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[招聘·企业相关] 打车应用Uber开发商优步公司蒙城招聘运营经理,待遇条件好,无学历要求,速申请!

蒙特利尔求职招聘 发表于 2019-3-15 05:26:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 山西太原

●  招聘公司:优步(Uber)点击申请
●  招聘职位:运营经理Operations Manager)
●  工作内容:
  • Build and staff the operations and/or mechanic team, from defining hiring needs, executing on those needs, and training new team members.
  • Manage scheduling, attendance, and general administration of our operations team.
  • Create a fun, inclusive, and safe work culture.  Above all else, you will be responsible to ensure the safety of your team and our riders.
  • Problem Solve. We operate a technology platform and capital assets in dynamic urban environments. All kinds of obstacles, barriers, problems, and snags happen on a daily basis and you must be ready to solve them as fast as they happen.
  • Create & Optimize Process. We are a new company launching a new product in new environments - we not only need to create and constantly optimize our own processes for this operation, but for the many JUMP systems that are to follow in the near future.
  • Balance attention to detail with swift execution - we need to do things quickly, and we need to do them well. Balancing those can be challenging, and this should be a strength.
  • Wear many different hats.  This role will have ownership over areas including managing a large and diverse team of field technicians and/or mechanics, overseeing our operations in the field or the warehouse, facilities and vehicle upkeep, workplace safety, parts inventory, charging infrastructure, process creation, project management, etc.
  • Ability to learn new skills and grow with the role.  As JUMP continues to expand, this role will be charged with directing and overseeing additional operational processes and projects.
●  工作要求:
  • 至少2年相关工作经验。理想的候选人应具有领导经验,在快节奏的工作环境;
  • 有解决复杂问题的经验,在模棱两可的情况下有良好的判断力,并能在不同的团队中有效沟通;
  • 有能力建立人际关系,领导团队,管理员工;
  • 有效的驾驶证和通过MVR检查的能力(过去3年不超过2次轻微违章,无重大违章);
  • 具备以下任何方面的知识或热情尤佳:本地市场、机动性、机动性和数据/分析。




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