Verifies, sorts, codes and files documents according to precise instructions. Receives, stores, distributes, and sends various documents, material and mail. Prepares , photocopies and assembles documents. Greets clients. Responds to queries in person or by telephone. Takes and transmits messages. Consults documentation to obtain information. Prepares and types standard forms and brief documents. Enters data into a computerized system according to established procedures. Schedules meetings, reserves conference rooms. Ensures that appropriate equipment and materials are in place. Acts as a messenger. Sells or rents material related to activities of the unit. Maintains office equipment. Arranges for servicing. Uses various equipment such as a typewriter, personal computer, calculator, photocopier and fax machine.
高中毕业 没有工作经验要求 英语(口语&书面),法语(口语) 较强的学习和组织能力,能够准确的完后任务和传达信息。
需要发送简历和求职信 McGill内部人员申请请提供McGill ID 邮寄地址:
McGill University, Human Resources (Staffing)
688 Sherbrooke Street West, suite 1520
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 3R1
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