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[启蒙·公民] Left Is Right and Right Is Wrong(3)

此时此刻 发表于 2016-12-23 12:34:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 加拿大
Left Is Right and Right Is Wrong(3)


Beautiful Slogan vs. Ugly Reality
We all know French revolution. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity were the slogans of the revolution. However, the reality of French Revolution was nothing remotely resembling to these values.

Do not believe any politician, even the good ones. Once a person is given power, the corruption is inevitable. Just like what Lord Acton said in 1887: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

You may have heard that P. Trudeau (J. Trudeau’s father) was a great primeminister. I have completely opposite opinion. He was one of the worst PM in Canadian history. Look how he damaged the economy in Canada.

You may know there is an airport called Mirabel, which located nowhere between Montreal and Ottawa. It was such a big airport built on the insistence of Trudeau, citing that the location was so good that it could serve both Montreal and Ottawa. It ended up serve neither Montreal nor Ottawa. Huge money was wasted and P. Trudeau and his liberal knew it. This was why they used their power 20 years later after the disaster to name Dorval airport, rather than Mirabel airport, “Trudeau Airport”. Logically, they should name Mirabel airport, an abandoned laughing stock, as “Trudeau”, for it was really built on Trudeau’s idea and insistence.


Mirabel Airport, Pierre Trudeau's White Elephant

Like father like son. Now it is younger Trudeau’s turn to hurt Canada and Canadians. I love Canada and Canadians, but I sometimes are disappointed by the Canadians because of their naïve and readiness to be misled.

A person without long and clean public service credential or successful and honest business track records should never be trusted into office, like Trudeau and Obama.

Obama’s presidency has been a disaster. He must be ranked the most stupid and useless presidents in the USA. We may not blame him for everything because he is not a capable person, and his most suitable profession should be comedian. But one thing he definitely should have done and he had the best opportunity and position to do it because his background, which is the relation improvement between Black and White. He failed miserably.

Never Vote for the Party that Represents Poor
When young people without much financial resources, they tend to think the parties on the left theirs because these parties usually claim that they represent poor people. Their claim is indeed true. However, this is also the very reason for you not to vote for them.

Why should a poor person not to vote for a party that claims to represent the poor people? Is this a sane statement?


When I was a student 25 years ago, I was pretty poor, since $880/month should be considered to be poor enough. But I never complained because I was in a great country and enjoyed great freedom. It was my choice to be here in Canada and I love freedom. I genuinely believed that I was given a fair start line and the rest was on myself. It is a fair society and I am treated fairly.

That time, there was a party claiming it represented poor people. I never considered it as my choice. And I had a very philosophical reason for my conviction:

If such a party gets into power, its first priority is to keep you poor and make more people poor. For once you are out of poverty, they will lose your vote, and once there are insufficient poor people, they will be out of power, all because they represent the poor people.

If you look into history, you will see exactly the evidences that support my theory. From Soviet to all these so called communist or socialist countries then; and from Zimbabwe to Venezuela now, we see the same pattern: The poor people’s parties were rushed into power by enthusiastic poor people, then these parties made their poverty into permanent and deeper.

For the same reason, you should never believe someone like Sunders, the contender for the presidential nominee for Democratic Party in USA 2016 election. He is even more dangerous than Clinton.

Obama shouted “change” 8 years ago, which helped shovel him into the White House. What has he done for 8 years? Nothing, except he wasted huge amount of tax money. He played a golf game at the cost of USD3,000,000 of taxpayer’s money. He used Air Force One for campaigning for Hillary’s presidential bid. Then he ran up the debt equivalent to that accumulated by 43 presidents before him. He is greedy and stupid, to say the least.

The Dead Castro and the Moaning Left
This day (Nov. 26, 2016) Cuban’s former dictator Castro died. Many Cubans are crying. For what? For USD15/month pension? But many Cubans are indeed weeping genuinely. It is a sickness, called Stockholm syndrome, i.e. the abused developed an affection and sympathy towards the abuser.

Trump called today Castro “a brutal dictator”. J. Trudeau called Castro “the remarkable leader”, expressed his condolence towards Cuban people and recalled his father proudly called Castro a “friend”. Obama sends his condolence to Cuban people to help them cope the difficult time. Of course, there is Putin, the dictator in Russia, who is making his best words to Castro, the dead dictator, without much reservation. There is also Jesse Jackson, a leader of African American movement leader, who was fond of Castro so much. It is worth being noticed that Jackson was once a contender of presidential candidate of Democratic Party in the USA.

Let us hear what exactly the incumbent Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau praised about Castro. If it makes you sick then you are still on the right side of justice. He mourned and praised: “a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century.” “While a controversial figure, both Mr. Castro’s supporters and detractors recognized his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people who had a deep and lasting affection for ‘el Comandante,’ ” Trudeau’s statement went on: “I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away. It was also a real honour to meet his three sons and his brother President Raúl Castro during my recent visit to Cuba.” The prime minister ended his statement by calling Castro a “remarkable leader.”

Since Cuba is not significant in any way to Canada, Trudeau did not have to be diplomatic on what he said, which means he really meant what he said, and what he said reflects his true mind. Is this despicable?

Canada’s reputable national magazine, Maclean’s, commented:

“Trudeau made himself synonymous with Canada. He made Canada cool again. It was fun while it lasted.
By the early hours of Saturday morning, Havana time, Trudeau was an international laughing stock. Canada’s “brand,” so carefully constructed in Vogue photo essays and Economist magazine cover features, seemed to suddenly implode into a bonspiel of the vanities, with humiliating headlines streaming from the Washington Post to the Guardian, and from Huffington Post to USA Today.”
I always remind my friends that the left, like Trudeau the father and son, are the most dangerous factors to the West, because they are inside of the West and they can achieve what they can never achieve against the West. The ultimate destiny of the left will inevitably merge with that of Bolshevik.

Obama is another Trudeau. What is the difficult time that Obama meant? The day that Castro died? Or the decades that Castro imposed on his people? The Cuban exiles are at this moment celebrating Castro’s death. They hated him and this was why they escaped to Miami.

Castro was leading the Cuban Communist Party to fight for the poor working class in Cuba, at least this was what he claimed. 70 years have gone by and their struggle has been so successful, because they made every Cuban poor, except themselves.

I strongly question the morality of Trudeau and Obama. How can they side themselves on the side of the dictator? This is another reason I cannot like Trudeau and Obama. Since they are on the left, so I cannot like left.

Now you know that my conclusion is well founded. Do not vote the parties representing poor people. Do not be led into the road by their propaganda. Their priority is to keep you poor and make more people poor. If you still do not believe me, visit Cuba and tell me how you feel.

Political Correctness vs. Truth
Political correctness is never about truth, rather it is only about politeness.

There are two kinds of correctness: correct and politically correct.

Since political correct is so emphasized on “political”, it is impossible not to compromise “correct”.

When you meet a person and her hairdo is horrible according to your taste, you will probably say that “it looks nice”. It is politically correct. She spent money to make the hair and she likes it, why should you ruin her mood? If you say “it is ugly to my taste”, which is correct, but it is not politically correct. Therefore, political correctness is a politeness, not truth.

We here can talk about a sensitive issue, which is culture. Is every culture equal? Should every civilization deserve the same respect and praise?

Of course not! How can a culture that created science, citizenship, rule of law and freedom be equal to the one that created none of these? They are not equal, just like in a class the best students and the worst ones are not in the same level.

If anyone told you that every culture and civilization is the same, you have to be very vigilant. You may consider him to be polite, but he does not tell the true, regardless whether he knowingly misleads or simply blindly follows. If you want to be politically correct, you can politely say “yes”, but you have to know that it is scientifically incorrect.

Democracy vs. Truth
I am very proud of Alexander’s question to Prof. Dunn, when we met him at Cambridge. At the dinner, you asked “what is the difference between democracy and republic?” Prof. Dunn spent so much time to explain it for you. I am not sure you understood. It does not matter. It was a great question and you have whole life to search its answer. Prof. Dunn is a renowned political theorist and he will appreciate to see what you can do in this area.

Regardless if you will be studying politics, one thing you should know is that democracy is not about voting for truth. Democracy is about the last defense line of fairness in term of the dignity of the people.

Truth cannot be voted out, rather truth has been historically in the possession of very few people before it was widely accepted. Let us imagine we are in 1522 CE, when Magellan just finished the navigation around the world. This very event proved the Earth to be round, not flat. However, if the human race held a referendum then, guess what the result would be? The Earth would be flat,democratically flat!

Democracy can go wrong easily. French revolution was an example how it could go wrong. This is why democracy must work with rules of law. This is why we need checks and balances.

Left is Right and Right is Wrong?
It is not our enemy outside of the fortification that we should fear, rather, it is our comrades inside. When the evil communism at its very beginning stage, it was the campuses in the Western world that nursed and facilitated it, disguising it with an intellectual outfit and making it attractive to innocent and naïve people, especially the youth and students. The intellectuals on the left did not give the birth to the communism, but they nurtured and upbrought it. And the campuses were serving the communism as cradles.

Intellectuals and campuses, from the very beginning of the Platonic Academy by Plato, Lyceum Academy by Aristotle, and even earlier Schools of Ionia and Pythagoras, had been distinguished and respected for their rationality and reasoning. But with the separation between science and philosophy, many intellectuals on the philosophy side lost the opportunity of scientific training. As the result, they either willingly or helplessly abandoned the priority of rationality. It was not that they did not like rationality, rather it was that the delusion was too attractive to reject without proper training of science. I do not mean that one with scientific training will be immune to delusion, but rather that without such training it is gravely easy to be overwhelmed by delusion.

This is why I urge you to take science courses and trainings seriously regardless what you want to do in future. Scientific thinking and method are the only way to lead you out of delusion, just as it led mankind out of it two thousand years ago in Greece and 500 years ago in Europe.

It seems that nowadays the schools teach pupils about tolerance to everything, from different cultures to illegal immigrants, from LGBT to dictators, but failed to make you be tolerant to the criticism on delusion.

Just like that they expressed their condolence to the Castro’s death, the left shows at every important historical moment that they have been statistically on the wrong side. In this sense, left is wrong.

Now that we have discussed much about the left and right in the sense of direction, justice and politics, we have some confidence to reach the following conclusions:

In direction: Left is not right and right is not left.

In Justice: Left is less right and right is less wrong

In politics: Left will ultimately go wrong and right will eventually go right.

This is the story about “Left is Right and Right is Wrong”. I hope you reach the conclusion as I do:

Be Right!

(the end )






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