热搜: 房产 留学 医疗
LN宁 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 饺子馆招聘
近地铁站饺子馆,招聘面案,女,35-55岁,无语言要求,身体健康,有经验者优先,薪资可谈,有小费 后厨 男女不限,年龄35-55,无语言要求,无技术要求,有经验者优先,有小费 联系电话438-9208696
最后发表: LN宁@ 2022-4-27 03:58 516 0 2022-4-27
frankwong [招聘·其它] 南岸中餐聘星期六晚上洗碗工
星期六晚,4:00pm - 11:00 pm 有意者短信:514-515-5389
最后发表: frankwong@ 2022-4-27 01:10 590 0 2022-4-27
qxhahl [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 南岸小镇日餐馆诚聘
诚聘全职服务员,寿司师傅,包卷工,炒锅师傅。没有语言要求,有经验者优先。 待遇高,包食宿。具体薪资根据熟练程度而定,详细情况可以致电或者面议。 联系电话:438-397-9521。
最后发表: qxhahl@ 2022-4-27 00:56 683 0 2022-4-27
C°+ [招聘·企业相关] 知名华人电商招聘配货员
工作地点Jean-Talon 每周至少工作4天,周五务必到岗 每天9:00-15:00,工作简单,需要沟通能力强 岗位职责 1. 按照配货单规划配货动线 2. 按照流程有序无误的完成拣货 3. 检查商品质量,确保出货商品符合出货标准 任职条件 1. 认真,细致,耐心 2. 身体健康,能适应短时间冻库工作环境 3. 以客户需求为导向,符合公司价值观 4. 能够配合其他部门工作 5. 能够承担部门主管安排的其他工作 联系方式(438)492-8128
最后发表: C°+@ 2022-4-26 23:39 733 0 2022-4-26
tcestone [招聘·企业相关] 石英石板材批发公司 招聘全职办公室文员,财务
如题 要求: 有驾照,懂英,法语,有合法工作许可 有相关经验者优先考虑 有意请电:778-681-3827 杜总
最后发表: tcestone@ 2022-4-26 22:58 531 0 2022-4-26
tnt100 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] BERRI-UQAM地铁站快餐店招早班寿司包卷工,要求周末能上班,无语言要求
BERRI-UQAM地铁站快餐店招早班寿司包卷工,要求周末能上班,无语言要求,要求有经验,勤快长期干。 可以转为全职, 工作时间为早上八点到下午。 有兴趣联系SCOTT, 5146528801。
最后发表: tnt100@ 2022-4-26 22:42 534 0 2022-4-23
小红车外卖 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 小红车外卖招送餐员啦!|奖励多|补贴多|上手快 attach_img
小红车外卖诚招蒙特利尔送餐司机 额外还提供,恶劣天气奖励,节假日上班奖励,特殊时段奖励!! 多劳多得,拿到手软!!! 加入我们: [*]司机可以收到100%运费以及小费。 [*]更灵活的工资结算方式,司机自主选择结算时间。 [*]司机可以享受公司运费补贴。 [*]实时真人辅助,帮助您解决送餐过程中的困难。 [*] 岗位要求: [*]有效加拿大工作证件 [*]自备车辆,车险。 如果您有兴趣,可前往以下链接填写申请表格 http://wechat.foodhwy.com/driver_register/register 或者扫描/长按下方二维码,填写信息,即可加入。 如想获得更多详情也可致电:514-813-2966
最后发表: 小红车外卖@ 2022-4-26 22:14 1055 1 2022-4-25
joycekairos [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 招騁熟手雜碎,寿司师傅
最后发表: joycekairos@ 2022-4-26 22:12 529 0 2022-4-26
ningjing3536 [招聘·其它] 销售运营助理
1、负责利用各种平台聊天工具在线接待顾客的购物咨询; 2、负责核实、处理顾客下达到后台系统的订单; 3、负责解答客户的问题; 4、负责客服回访与跟踪维护; 5、配合完成其它相关工作。 V:991670663
最后发表: ningjing3536@ 2022-4-26 20:30 838 1 2022-4-18
FINDatHERE [招聘·各类家教] 招聘学习中文
中文线上教学与班课 实用定制化教材 情境式双语教学 TCSOL, EDI 国际认证 ⏰ 教学经验10年 ‍私教(中国、加拿大、台湾) ‍班课教学(澳大利亚) findathere@outlook.com Contact : 514-880-3737 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220426/1651015399143608777.jpg
最后发表: FINDatHERE@ 2022-4-26 19:23 796 0 2022-4-26
饭团团。 [招聘·企业相关] zoe 鲜茶道dt店
zoe鲜茶道dt店 现招奶茶员工 主要工作内容包括制作奶茶 备料 还有收银 需勤奋好学 part-time/full-time都可 有奶茶经验可优先 语言要求:流利英语 基本法语 会粤语优先 dt店另招甜品师 一周一两天即可 帮厨(兼职 全职) 无语言要求 最好有经验 都需有工卡报税 有意者请联系514-516-9989或者➕微信都可以 http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20210831/1630421908087029832.jpg
最后发表: zoedessert@ 2022-4-26 19:22 1407 4 2021-8-31
aaeewwtt2244 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 招聘按摩师
多年老店诚聘 有经验的女按摩师 ,需要面试 ,靠地铁一分钟, 要求有责任心,准时 ,有耐心 .有意请电:438 876 7662
最后发表: aaeewwtt2244@ 2022-4-26 18:43 607 0 2022-4-26
spa [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 唐人街大型正规SPA诚聘按摩师和前台
唐人街市中心大型正规高级SPA 是星级酒店的固定配套设施,针对疫情有着完善的卫生防护措施,我们为员工提供宽敞明亮的休息室以及厨房。SPA地理位置靠近地铁,交通便利,时间灵活。客人素质高,提成高小费好,收入可观。现招收前台一名(需要周一周三周六能上班)和按摩师若干,欢迎新老移民加入。正规按摩,色情免问,可提供支票,有意咨询 请拨打电话 514- 878-4011. https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220417/1650224736415242827.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220417/1650224736429861488.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220417/1650224736433353246.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220417/1650224736436430593.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220417/1650224736439731472.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220417/1650224736441042472.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220417/1650224736442509260.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220417/1650224736443595503.jpg
最后发表: spa@ 2022-4-26 18:42 880 2 2022-4-17
XIAOM [招聘·其它] 招搬家工人
天气转暖,业务增多,急需兼职搬家工人,收入25每小时+小费,能长期兼职优先 时间灵活, 要求能吃苦,无经验可免费培训 微信0015146515511 谢谢
最后发表: XIAOM@ 2022-4-26 17:07 887 0 2022-4-26
shopper+ [招聘·企业相关] Shopper+诚聘采购专员1-2名
Job Description: CompanyProfile: ShopperPlusis Canada's leading e-commerce platform, founded in Montreal, Canada in 2008 byJack, an early Alibaba employee. After years of in-depth exploration andcontinuous development, the company has established a series of full-contact,multi-channel, cost-effective and innovative DTC brands, including officesupplies, 3C electronic products, home storage, hardware kitchen and bathroom,kitchen and small Home appliances, pet supplies, baby supplies and basic dailynecessities, etc. Through its own website and e-commerce platform, ShopperPlusserves millions of Canadian consumers every year. In Montreal,there is one order fulfillment center and its own distribution network, one fulfillmentcenter in Vancouver, Canada, and one merchandise center in Guangzhou, China.The company has completed Round A venture capital investment in August, 2021. The fulfillment center on the West Island ofMontreal has also expanded to 250,000 square feet (2.5 times the size of theprevious one). Meanwhile, an intelligent warehousing robotic order pickingsystem is introduced to break through the bottleneck and to position Shopper+in the front line. Job Title: Procurement SpecialistReports to: ProcurementManagerWorking Place: Montreal Responsibilities: 1. Filter home division out-of-stock orders for relatedweb-site of home division on a daily basis and allocate inventory by switching the shipping warehouseto fulfill customer orders. 2. Check availability of inventory, sort out restock product lists, prepare purchase ordersto replenish stocks within purchasing authority.3. Expedite and manage new orders and outstanding orders to achievedelivery performance before the deadline.4. Contact suppliers to schedule deliveries and to resolve shortages,missed deliveries and other problems.5. Maintain purchasing files, invoices, custom documents and scheduleestimated payment date.6. Source new products and conduct product comparison analysis7. Manage the relationships of multiple suppliers to deliver highestlevels of services and ensure the correctness of supplier information8. Cross team communications:● Assist the finance team to confirm the accuracy of invoices andpayment request● Contact the suppliers to assist solving customer inquiriesregarding company products● Communicate with suppliers to obtain detailed product informationbased on the requirements of the product team● Complete client out-of-stock orders by working with customerservice team9. Other assignments by its immediate supervisor Qualifications: 1. Knowledge● Bachelor’s degree, major in business, commerce, logistics ormarketing● Basic understanding of our products● 1+ year purchasingworking experience is preferred 2. Competence● Good communication in both verbal and written in English,speaking Frenchis a plus, speaking mandarin is a plus● Computer literate● Multi-tasking and time management skill● Detail oriented, accurate, well organized● Strong planning and analytical skills 3. Others● Sense of responsibility● Good team player Please send your resume to: job@shopperplus.com
最后发表: shopper+@ 2022-4-26 17:03 690 0 2022-4-26
飞儿 [招聘·其它] DownTown Depaneaur
DownTown Depaneaur 招聘员工 需要长期工作 有意请联系5148929968
最后发表: 飞儿@ 2022-4-26 17:02 1787 1 2020-5-12
youjhjj [招聘·各类家教] 照片中文家教一名
招聘中文家教一名,要求普通话标准。 有耐心,性格温柔! 待遇面议: 有意请联系:6042568391 VX:w3826888
最后发表: youjhjj@ 2022-4-26 16:20 574 0 2022-4-26
Jolie-Liu [招聘·其它] 长期招聘按摩师及前台和私人助理
高端私人工作室因业务繁忙,现聘按摩理疗师年纪40岁以下、气质好、有经验优先,没经验可免费培训,会简单英语法语,店内客人素质高,30到35+高小费,适合留学生,新移民过度初来加国生活。本工作室环境舒适优雅,干净整洁,离地铁站Loinel Groulx 1分钟 ,地铁站Namur 步行5分钟,期待你的加入。 另招聘前台助理16$+提成 电话438 927 6377 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220426/1651004228760887147.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220426/1651004228774876150.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220426/1651004228776771295.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220426/1651004228778889593.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220426/1651004228780471131.jpg
最后发表: Jolie-Liu@ 2022-4-26 16:17 607 0 2022-4-26
Wenxu [招聘·各类家政] 聘一位经验丰富 耐心的阿姨照顾家中老人
有多年照顾老人经验者 膳食方面清淡点 老人生活可自理 无重疾 主要的就是耐心 因家中阿姨还有一段时间到期 寻找合适阿姨接任有意向的+What.Ap 213-2603521 或者电话此号码
最后发表: Wenxu@ 2022-4-26 16:14 702 0 2022-4-4
chenboyu [招聘·各类家政] 找保姆一位 新人帖
因本人工作繁忙,现需找一位有耐心,有责任心的女士来料理一下家里,主要照顾妈妈的饮食起居。薪资待遇从优 电话☎:2044808408
最后发表: chenboyu@ 2022-4-26 15:57 845 0 2022-4-26

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