热搜: 房产 留学 医疗
汇枫文化教育 [招聘·企业相关] 汇枫集团诚聘移民顾问和地产销售 attach_img
汇枫集团总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔,拥有政府专业资格认证, 始终专注于留学移民,海外教育,投资置业等专业领域。 现诚聘销售顾问 职责要求:善于沟通,学习能力强;执行能力强, 人脉广,有积极向上的工作态度 薪资待遇:底薪+奖金+提成 公司工作环境好,老板和蔼,同事亲切,福利多,快来加入我们吧~ 有意者请您将简历发送至convergemaple@gmail.com, 也可以扫描海报下方二维码了解更多信息,谢谢!
最后发表: 汇枫文化教育@ 2022-5-18 16:21 635 0 2022-5-18
HarBao [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 唐人街面包店誠聘以下職位
1.女店務員 12am to 7pm 包午膳 2.男幫工/幫廚/学徒 9am to 6pm 包午膳 有意請发微信kenmo8888
最后发表: HarBao@ 2022-5-18 15:59 526 0 2022-5-18
Marysteven [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 近地铁 高薪招聘后厨、包饺子工
最后发表: Marysteven@ 2022-5-18 15:51 922 0 2022-5-18
kaykayl [招聘·其它] 市中心髪廊招兼职助理
有培训,時薪 有意致电(514)885-0803 地址:1111 St-Urbain, R-03 (Place du Quartier 里面,HSBC bank 旁边)
最后发表: kaykayl@ 2022-5-18 14:39 642 0 2022-5-7
nathanP [招聘·企业相关] 南岸brossard任吃店找厨房
南岸Brossard任吃寿司店找厨房油炉、铁板师傅,(有无经验均可,可以提供培训)。要求手脚麻利,吃苦耐劳,薪优凉准,有意者请联系514-298-7268 潘先生
最后发表: nathanP@ 2022-5-18 14:39 1040 11 2022-5-12
LN宁 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 饺子馆招聘
近地铁站饺子馆,招聘面案,女,35-55岁,无语言要求,身体健康,有经验者优先,薪资可谈,有小费 后厨 男女不限,年龄35-55,无语言要求,无技术要求,有经验者优先,有小费,薪资可谈 联系电话438-9208696
最后发表: LN宁@ 2022-5-18 14:38 747 0 2022-5-8
你好大家好 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 寿司店招聘包卷人员
最后发表: 你好大家好@ 2022-5-18 14:33 952 2 2022-5-11
小丸子314 [招聘·企业相关] 中餐馆请服务员
最后发表: 小丸子314@ 2022-5-18 14:28 657 0 2022-5-12
ksqb2014 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 招聘按摩师
最后发表: ksqb2014@ 2022-5-18 12:46 602 0 2022-5-18
shopper+ [招聘·企业相关] Shopper+ 诚聘采购专员1-2名
Job Description: CompanyProfile: ShopperPlusis Canada's leading e-commerce platform, founded in Montreal, Canada in 2008 byJack, an early Alibaba employee. After years of in-depth exploration andcontinuous development, the company has established a series of full-contact,multi-channel, cost-effective and innovative DTC brands, including officesupplies, 3C electronic products, home storage, hardware kitchen and bathroom,kitchen and small Home appliances, pet supplies, baby supplies and basic dailynecessities, etc. Through its own website and e-commerce platform, ShopperPlusserves millions of Canadian consumers every year. In Montreal,there is one order fulfillment center and its own distribution network, one fulfillmentcenter in Vancouver, Canada, and one merchandise center in Guangzhou, China.The company has completed Round A venture capital investment in August, 2021. The fulfillment center on the West Island ofMontreal has also expanded to 250,000 square feet (2.5 times the size of theprevious one). Meanwhile, an intelligent warehousing robotic order pickingsystem is introduced to break through the bottleneck and to position Shopper+in the front line. Job Title: Procurement SpecialistReports to: Procurement ManagerWorking Place: Montreal Responsibilities: 1. Filter home division out-of-stock orders for relatedweb-site of home division on a daily basis and allocate inventory by switching the shipping warehouseto fulfill customer orders. 2. Check availability of inventory, sort out restock product lists, prepare purchase ordersto replenish stocks within purchasing authority.3. Expedite and manage new orders and outstanding orders to achievedelivery performance before the deadline.4. Contact suppliers to schedule deliveries and to resolve shortages,missed deliveries and other problems.5. Maintain purchasing files, invoices, custom documents and scheduleestimated payment date.6. Source new products and conduct product comparison analysis7. Manage the relationships of multiple suppliers to deliver highestlevels of services and ensure the correctness of supplier information8. Cross team communications:● Assist the finance team to confirm the accuracy of invoices andpayment request● Contact the suppliers to assist solving customer inquiriesregarding company products● Communicate with suppliers to obtain detailed product informationbased on the requirements of the product team● Complete client out-of-stock orders by working with customerservice team9. Other assignments by its immediate supervisor Qualifications: 1. Knowledge● Bachelor’s degree, major in business, commerce, logistics ormarketing● Basic understanding of our products● 1+ year purchasingworking experience is preferred 2. Competence● Good communication in both verbal and written in English,speaking Frenchis a plus, speaking mandarin is a plus● Computer literate● Multi-tasking and time management skill● Detail oriented, accurate, well organized● Strong planning and analytical skills 3. Others● Sense of responsibility● Good team player Please send your resume to: job@shopperplus.com
最后发表: shopper+@ 2022-5-18 11:34 748 0 2022-5-18
tulipe99 [招聘·其它] 老港四星酒店招清洁人员(男)
老港四星酒店招清洁人员(男) 工资:18$/小时 (日班);20$/小时(夜班) 正规支票支付 基本语言交流(英语或法语) 电话:514-380-2204 514-691-2568
最后发表: tulipe99@ 2022-5-18 10:46 654 0 2022-5-18
Happy2005_2007 [招聘·其它] Thanks
最后发表: Happy2005_2007@ 2022-5-18 10:00 1023 1 2022-4-22
wesatga1223 [招聘·其它] 生活助理! 新人帖
要求及日常工作简介: 1.女性 身体健康 年龄 28-50岁 2.负责家庭卫生清洁工作 3.有较好的收纳意识,做事积极主动 4.无犯罪记录及不良嗜好,听从分配工作安排 5.普通话标准,英语有基本的沟通能力 6.懂金融数据统计者优先考虑,薪资待遇可提高 待遇薪资标准: 试用期1个月:4500加元 正式期12个月:6000加元 联系方式:4166197932 微信: a1658632
最后发表: 自恋逗B@ 2022-5-18 09:57 1133 1 2022-5-13
salutatous [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 地铁SQUARE VICTORIA连锁寿司店薪优急招寿司包卷师傅及收银
地铁SQUARE VICTORIA连锁寿司店薪优急招寿司包卷师傅及收银员。工作时间周一--周五。全职,半工各一位。 电话: 5144498771
最后发表: salutatous@ 2022-5-18 09:01 877 1 2022-5-14
HarBao [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 唐人街面包店誠聘以下職位
1.女店務員 12am to 7pm 包午膳 2.男幫工/幫廚/学徒 9am to 6pm 包午膳 有意請发微信kenmo8888
最后发表: HarBao@ 2022-5-18 08:24 514 0 2022-5-18
LN宁 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 饺子馆招聘
近地铁站饺子馆,招聘面案,女,35-55岁,无语言要求,身体健康,有经验者优先,薪资可谈,有小费。 后厨 男女不限,年龄35-55,无语言要求,无技术要求,有经验者优先,有小费,薪资面议 不收现金工,需工卡 联系电话438-9208696
最后发表: LN宁@ 2022-5-18 06:31 570 0 2022-5-18
LN宁 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 饺子馆招聘
近地铁站饺子馆,招聘后厨 男女不限,年龄35-55,无语言要求,无技术要求,有经验者优先,有小费,薪资面议 不收现金工,需工卡 联系电话438-9208696
最后发表: LN宁@ 2022-5-18 06:29 538 0 2022-5-18
nathanP [招聘·企业相关] 南岸longueuil寿司店招聘前台
南岸longueuil寿司店招聘前台,需要包外卖,接电话,工作环境好,轻松。要求动作麻利,法语流利,收入可观,有4%,有意者请联系514-583-1698 liliana
最后发表: nathanP@ 2022-5-18 03:31 1433 12 2022-5-1
Lolenzj [招聘·其它] 蒙城东区大型shopping mall内100%正规推拿保健诊所诚聘女推拿师
最后发表: Lolenzj@ 2022-5-18 02:01 789 0 2022-5-16
LXT [我要求职] 找全职工作有工签 heatlevel
本人男 有工签 需要一份至少30小时工作时间的工作 可全职 不会可学 工作经验:蒸煎饺子 炸左鸡 春卷 在蛋糕店做过学徒 联系方式5148852955刘先生.
最后发表: LN宁@ 2022-5-17 23:42 1461 5 2022-4-10

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