热搜: 房产 留学 医疗
lcyrhys [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 市中心餐馆诚招厨师、收银员
市中心餐馆请厨师、收银员,有经验者优先,全职或兼职均可,有意者请致电或短信联系5145181388,谢谢! https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220425/1650937923361455_213.jpg
最后发表: lcyrhys@ 2022-4-28 16:59 794 0 2022-4-25
汇枫文化教育 [招聘·企业相关] 汇枫集团诚聘移民顾问和地产销售 attach_img
汇枫集团总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔,拥有政府专业资格认证, 始终专注于留学移民,海外教育,投资置业等专业领域。 现诚聘销售顾问 职责要求:善于沟通,学习能力强;执行能力强, 人脉广,有积极向上的工作态度 薪资待遇:底薪+奖金+提成 公司工作环境好,老板和蔼,同事亲切,福利多,快来加入我们吧~ 有意者请您将简历发送至convergemaple@gmail.com, 也可以扫描海报下方二维码了解更多信息,谢谢!
最后发表: 汇枫文化教育@ 2022-4-28 15:07 981 0 2022-4-28
luomichael [招聘·餐饮/服务业] cote-des-neiges Sushishop 招聘有经验寿司工和收银员
cote-des-neiges Sushishop 招聘有经验寿司工和收银员,有意请联系:514-839-3288 Maggie
最后发表: luomichael@ 2022-4-28 14:22 778 0 2022-4-25
Liuyishouhr [招聘·餐饮/服务业] Assistant Store Manager(刘一手蒙特利尔店招聘副店长)
要求与待遇:请查看以下文字联系方式:请将您的简历发到HR@liuyishouna.com,我们会尽快回复您,谢谢! Job detail: Liuyishou Hotpot was founded in 2000, which is a famous enterprise specializing in management of hot pot chain and franchisees. It began as a corner shop and expanded to become a giant international food group with more than 1500 locations, covering 31 provinces in China, and many other places in the United States, Canada, Dubai, Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong etc. In 2014, Liuyishou chose the Great Vancouver area for our North America Head Office.We are looking for a potential candidate as Assistant Store Manager of Montreal location in near future, who will contribute to the overall success of the company by operating the restaurant. Job Duties of Assistant Store Manager:· Supervises and oversees the daily operation, sales, and cost of the store when Restaurant General Manager is on vacation· Lead, coach and train Team Members to maintain the highest level of productivity and engagement· Schedules staff to meet customer demand· Resolve Team Member and customer issues as they arise· Uphold company policies and procedures including health & safety, food safety and loss prevention and hold your team accountable to maintain set standards· Merchandise, manage inventory, schedule and be accountable for financial objectives· Coordinate marketing activities, such as promotional events and guest relationship management initiatives· Assist the Restaurant General Manager collecting, sorting and uploading of documents, reports and files for the daily operation of the restaurant· Complete other work scheduled by the Restaurant General Manager Job Requirement· Must be an experienced team leader; Able to train, develop and optimize the potential of a team· Minimum 2 year of store management experiences; chain restaurant management experience will be a great asset.· Ownership to resolve issues with a sense of urgency· Communicate in fluent English, and Mandarin/Cantonese is preferred· Able to work on weekends and holiday as well as required We offer a competitive package, including Performance Bonuses and Medical & Dental Insurance to the right candidate.If you are interested in the Assistant Store Manager position and would like to join and grow with us, we encourage you to send a Cover Letter and Resume to us
最后发表: Liuyishouhr@ 2022-4-28 14:09 794 0 2022-4-28
charles18 [招聘·其它] 打印背胶海报
求可以打印背胶海报的公司。 如果可以接,请联系我。谢谢! 电话:5144527819
最后发表: charles18@ 2022-4-28 12:50 821 0 2022-4-28
rikki999 [招聘·企业相关] Saint Laurent大型制衣厂招全职晚班工
Saint Laurent大型制衣厂招长期全职支票工 有不同岗位提供 薪资不同 一周四十个小时 可以加班 2pm-10:30pm 需要基本语言培训 门口有公交车直达地铁cote vertu 只剩两个位置 感兴趣的朋友尽快联系 谢谢 5142655900 Rikki
最后发表: rikki999@ 2022-4-28 12:25 743 0 2022-4-28
Kelly77 [招聘·企业相关] 南岸St-Hubert饺子店聘请面案
南岸St- Hubert饺子店聘请面案,无需语言 无需经验 手脚麻利 有团队精神。 有意者请电话或短信:514-4588066
最后发表: Kelly77@ 2022-4-28 12:14 571 0 2022-4-28
MeiMeiMa [招聘·企业相关] 南岸企业Thermofin 急聘日工2名 ( Journalier )
南岸Thermofin 企业急聘2名日工 Journalier 正式工全职 40.00 h - Temps plein Emploi Permanent 只做白班 Jour,时薪15.00 à 20.00 $ par heure selon l'expérience 白班和夜班都做Jour / Soir, 时薪16.00 à 22.00 $ par heure selon l'expérience 简单英语或法语即可 英语法语联系: Mélanie ( 450 ) 444-4405 ext 232 中文联系: Mei ( 微信 xuniangfrance ) Site Web: www.thermofin.net https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?w=150&h=78&url=https%3A%2F%2Fthermofin.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F11%2Fusine_candiac_facebook.jpg&cfs=1&ext=emg0&_nc_oe=7000b&_nc_sid=06c271&_nc_o2e=1&ccb=3-6&_nc_hash=AQGp9ZaInEQKGt20
最后发表: MeiMeiMa@ 2022-4-28 11:53 695 0 2022-4-28
胡想 [招聘·企业相关] Namur橙线地铁站Sushishop招熟手收银包卷工
收银:1.英法语流利;2.全职兼职皆可;3.待遇从优。 包卷工:全职兼职皆可,有Sushi shop包卷经验优先,待遇从优。 有意者联系:514-6907982 陈女士
最后发表: 胡想@ 2022-4-28 09:51 547 0 2022-4-28
Epf [招聘·企业相关] 南岸小镇日本餐請人
南岸小镇日本餐請人 請寿司和廚房,有经验最好,新手也可以,薪十分优。 电话:+1 (514) 880-8968 上班中,不一定接得了電話 ,短信留言也可。 谢谢
最后发表: Epf@ 2022-4-28 08:39 1277 3 2022-4-10
羽嫣 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 小镇餐馆请油炉,打杂,有意请电
最后发表: 羽嫣@ 2022-4-28 08:38 637 0 2022-4-28
MarcheCT [招聘·企业相关] 世纪超市招聘(Brossard 店)起薪$14.5/H
世纪超市Brossard 店现聘: 收银员,鱼部,肉部员工数名,薪资:支票 $14.5/h起 薪优粮准 !疫情期间,公司提供口罩、手套等防护用品。 熟手优先,薪金面议。 有意者请直接电话咨询。 何先生:514-677-2066 莫先生:514-653-6695 工作地址:8200 Boul. Taschereau, Brossard, QC, J4X 2S6
最后发表: MarcheCT@ 2022-4-28 07:10 1269 3 2022-4-13
Beneunder [招聘·企业相关] 蕉下|Beneunder 招募海外Affiliate啦,多多福利
Dear Affiliates, Hope this email finds you well. And thank you for your efforts for Beneunder in advance. Since the summer will come, the sunshine will be like powdered gold over the world. As known, the sun's ultraviolet rays can cause damage to the skin, eyes, and immune system. That makes UV protection products essential to customers. Beneunder launched loads of sun protection products, and what we are doing is bringing these effective UV protection products to the world and making this glorious time more enjoyable. We are currently recruiting Affiliates to promote brands and products. The affiliate's rule is to get a 20% commission for each referral, and the buyer also enjoys a 15% discount.And if your customers ordered successfully over 15 orders per month, we will offer you an extra gift (which is worth $43.99). The specific registration method is very simple. You can directly register as an affiliate when you log in to the website. Link: https://beneunder.goaffpro.com/ For more questions, please contact me by private message,We very much welcome you to join! Best Regards, Beneunder Team
最后发表: Beneunder@ 2022-4-28 04:36 655 0 2022-4-28
回归2012 [招聘·各类家政] 诚聘南岸做饭阿姨 新人帖
本人家住南岸Longueuil 绿地公园附近(Greenfield Park)需要找一位阿姨做晚饭,一次2小时,每小时20$现金,每周4-5天(或者更多)希望您做饭口味清淡有营养,如果很符合孩子的胃口,愿意支付25$每小时。您需完全接种两针疫苗,因为您可以和我们一起吃晚饭。饭后不需要您做清洁,您休息一下就可以回去了。有意向请 短信 联系 514-575-5325,谢谢!
最后发表: 回归2012@ 2022-4-28 00:54 1429 1 2021-9-13
会唱歌的渣渣 [招聘·各类家政] 招聘保姆阿姨 新人帖
找一位有工作经验,有责任心,身体健康的阿姨,平时负责洗衣做饭,打扫卫生,整理收纳,空余时间陪老太太聊聊天,上6休1,有意者联系联系电话:7802492777 微信:nhmpxs
最后发表: 会唱歌的渣渣@ 2022-4-28 00:46 592 0 2022-4-28
jijimou [招聘·各类家政] 找月嫂 新人帖
真诚招聘一位有必须有责任心 耐心的月嫂,能基本英或法语交流 说普通话。 工作职责要求:找中国大陆人,年龄50岁以下,人品好 勤快 不计较。 目前家里现在有3岁的女孩 。如疫情允许白天会上幼儿园,由老爸洗澡,哄睡。月嫂负责家务,给母亲搭手,照看一下大宝。 在二宝出生后,需要照顾新生儿和产妇,附带做家务和三顿饭,带宝宝睡觉。女主人会协同保姆一起配合协助工作,不需要中医药膳及通奶技巧,科学坐月子。能熟练使用各种小家电/带娃神器。 (工作 29或26天制) 7月中破腹产,如果能提早上岗跟大宝熟悉更好。能做2-3个月最好。阿姨每天中午可午休1.5小时。 要求有新冠疫苗接种,体检证明。使用公筷。 有档期需要工作的可以私下详细咨询。 工资优厚 。现金工 微信qq54814523联系 谢谢
最后发表: jijimou@ 2022-4-28 00:36 1023 0 2022-4-28
TriforestMtl [招聘·企业相关] 年收入60000+ 招聘Sales
Triforest Inc 是加拿大最大的华人地板批发商,于2013年在多伦多成立,至今已形成依托于多伦多、蒙特利尔、温哥华、卡尔加里、温尼伯等城市的跨国性贸易型企业。目前蒙特利尔分公司诚招销售代表2名。 岗位描述:销售区域主要是魁省地区,魁省公司总部位于Saint-Laurent。 基本职责和责任:1. 制定销售计划,定期维护销售区域内客户2. 寻找新客户3. 与零售商进行谈判 相关经验和技能要求:1. 具有一定销售经验2. 法语流利者优先3. 沟通能力强,具有较高的销售技巧4. 需要有一定驾驶经验 实习薪酬:底薪转正后薪资:底薪+车补+奖金+公司福利 联系人: 陈先生 514-660-7516邮箱:buyer@triforestflooring.com
最后发表: AngusC@ 2022-4-28 00:03 1384 9 2022-4-19
于丹 [招聘·各类家教] 补习初四数学
应对考试,会法语, 地址:地铁Beaubien 2分钟 电话:短信/微信514-5821589
最后发表: 于丹@ 2022-4-27 23:54 709 0 2022-4-27
LN宁 [招聘·企业相关] 饺子馆招聘
近地铁站饺子馆,招聘后厨 男女不限,年龄35-55,无语言要求,无技术要求,有经验者优先,有小费 联系电话438-9208696
最后发表: LN宁@ 2022-4-27 23:02 509 0 2022-4-27
dafsos [我要求职] 替朋友发,专业搬家(厢式)货车
Cris 电话514-451 8490 work from Monday to Sunday 24*7*365 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220427/1651108489567853708.jpg
最后发表: dafsos@ 2022-4-27 21:15 734 0 2022-4-27

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