热搜: 房产 留学 医疗
laoliao686 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 小镇日餐请人
最后发表: laoliao686@ 2022-5-19 10:09 832 0 2022-5-19
3DVRD [招聘·企业相关] 三维驾校招聘教练
三维驾校招聘教练: (1)拿正式驾照两年以上,有良好的驾驶技术、习惯和驾驶记录。 (2)身心健康,完全不吸烟,讲究个人卫生。性格活跃,诚信守时;胆大心细,随和有耐心,责任心强,办事严谨认真,能长期在驾校工作,非诚勿扰。 (3)能和目前的11人团队和睦相处,互相帮助,维护良好的企业文化。 (4)参加有关机构(AQTR)的专业培训和接受驾校严格的驾驶技术和教学培训,改变个人的非专业驾驶习惯,成为真正的专业教练。 (5) 和其他教练一起参加7月14号开始的英文培训。 有意者请马上发个人简历至contact@3dvrd.com。出于对驾校和应聘者双方负责,驾校将认真研究应聘者的情况,与可能适合这一职位的应聘者联系。一经完成培训,取得教练资格证,在认真负责工作的前提下,驾校将提供长期工作岗位。
最后发表: 3DVRD@ 2022-5-19 06:57 1875 2 2020-6-21
LN宁 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 饺子馆招聘
近地铁站饺子馆,招聘后厨 男女不限,年龄35-55,无语言要求,无技术要求,有经验者优先,有小费,薪资面议 不收现金工,需工卡 联系电话438-9208696
最后发表: LN宁@ 2022-5-19 06:45 650 0 2022-5-19
LN宁 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 饺子馆招聘
近地铁站饺子馆,招聘面案,女,35-55岁,无语言要求,身体健康,有经验者优先,薪资可谈,有小费 后厨 男女不限,年龄35-55,无语言要求,无技术要求,有经验者优先,有小费,薪资可谈 不收现金工,需工卡 联系电话438-9208696
最后发表: LN宁@ 2022-5-19 06:44 549 0 2022-5-19
kine@gmail.com [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 聘请按摩技师 新人帖
多年老店,拥有固定高素质客源,小费好,收入非常可观,适合新移民,学生。 本店干净舒适,现诚聘守时整洁,欢迎新老移民或持工签的留学生前来应聘。简单英语或法语沟通,无经验可提供免费培训。 联系电话 514 321-6368 438 988-9932
最后发表: kine@gmail.com@ 2022-5-19 01:34 664 0 2022-5-18
leizhang [招聘·餐饮/服务业] Laval区域 Saint-Eustache附近寿司店诚聘
Laval区域 Saint-Eustache附近寿司店诚聘 寿司包卷员一名,全职兼职均可 无经验可 有经验佳 短期勿扰! 工作环境佳 待遇优厚 有意者请联系 514-5739669 张女士(可短信)
最后发表: leizhang@ 2022-5-19 01:13 632 0 2022-5-17
深南大道 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 近 l'eglise地铁站超市招收银员
本超市位于Wellington商业街,现需招收银员一名。每周工作两天,每天10AM-7PM。要求:有责任心,能用英法语与顾客交流,尤其法语要流利,有无收银经验均可。超市中午提供午餐,工资面议,短期勿扰。联系方式:5143465879 ,黄女士。
最后发表: 深南大道@ 2022-5-19 01:03 679 0 2022-5-18
加國媚 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 請洗碗什工
步行4分钟到vendome地鉄,請洗碗什工,星期二至星期日,三時至九時半,5148336878. 每小時$18 , 5148336878
最后发表: 加國媚@ 2022-5-19 00:17 558 0 2022-5-18
saint [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 招聘后厨
地址4495 St Laurent Blvd, Montreal, Quebec 厨房帮厨,要求餐饮工作经验,小时工资18元起 座机电话5148425518
最后发表: saint@ 2022-5-18 23:47 536 0 2022-5-18
HarBao [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 唐人街面包店誠聘以下職位
1.女店務員 12am to 7pm 包午膳 2.男幫工/幫廚/学徒 9am to 6pm 包午膳 有意請发微信kenmo8888
最后发表: HarBao@ 2022-5-18 23:32 561 0 2022-5-16
mtldowntown [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 近岛内LAVAL Sushi Shop诚招兼职包卷工和收银
近岛内LAVAL Sushi Shop诚招有SushiShop经验的兼职包卷工, 工作长期稳定. 具体工作时间可以互相协商。同时也请兼职收银员无需经验. 有意请电(514)7164752。
最后发表: mtldowntown@ 2022-5-18 22:18 1015 10 2022-4-2
asurm [招聘·餐饮/服务业]
最后发表: asurm@ 2022-5-18 22:10 1074 5 2022-4-15
HarBao [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 唐人街面包店誠聘以下職位
1.女店務員 12am to 7pm 包午膳 2.男幫工/幫廚/学徒 9am to 6pm 包午膳 有意請发微信kenmo8888
最后发表: HarBao@ 2022-5-18 21:56 520 0 2022-5-18
ningjing3536 [招聘·其它] 诚聘跨境电商销售
1.内容较为简单、易学易会,组织网上零售、产品上传平台,售前售后咨询 2.时间灵活、每天只需抽出1小时时间足够。 3会操作电脑,有耐心,男女不限。 如果您觉得这份工作适合您,工作详情请找我 V:991670663
最后发表: ningjing3536@ 2022-5-18 20:53 982 3 2022-4-1
thewxh321 [招聘·企业相关] 电商仓库诚聘操作员
诚聘仓库操作员、 工作职责: · 负责相关订单的抓货,搬货,拣货,贴标,打包,发货 · 负责货柜卸货,验货, 核对数量, 收货 · 日常整理仓库,库存盘点,存货补货, 整理货位 · 负责仓库内整洁,打扫和整理纸箱与垃圾 · 仓库设备设施日常操作和维护 周一至周五 9:00 am - 4:pm (午休0.5h) 工作地点:St-laurent, or Longueuil l联系方式:wechat: shipp-1, 1. 薪水 2. 绩效奖金 3. 健康保险 4. 年假
最后发表: thewxh321@ 2022-5-18 20:32 904 0 2022-5-18
小丸子314 [招聘·企业相关] 餐馆请服务员
最后发表: 小丸子314@ 2022-5-18 18:55 620 0 2022-5-18
kalyjiang [招聘·其它] 招聘酒店洗菜阿姨,传菜员女,前台 新人帖
招聘酒店洗菜阿姨,传菜员女,前台收银员女。可吃苦 耐劳,适应能力强;年龄30-55岁,可长做,符合要求 且有兴趣的可私聊我!岗位要求。1,认真踏实,年龄5 5岁以下,身体健康,抗压能力强,加拿大身份优先, 工资3500到5000之间 微信 8562054224095 电话 4383000459 名字 李Kevin
最后发表: zeroyz123@ 2022-5-18 17:55 805 1 2022-5-18
Liuyishouhr [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 诚聘前厅经理(Food and Beverage Manager) attach_img
要求与待遇:请查看以下文字联系方式:请将您的简历发到HR@liuyishouna.com,我们会尽快回复您,谢谢! Liuyishou Hotpot was founded in 2000, which is a famous enterprise specializing in management of hot pot chain and franchisees. It began as a corner shop and expanded to become a giant international food group with more than 1000 locations, covering 31 provinces in China, and many other places in the United States, Canada, Dubai, Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong etc. In 2014, Liuyishou chose the greater Vancouver area for our North America Head Office.We are looking for an experienced Food and Beverage Manager. In this position the successful candidate must possess the ability to perform a wide variety of tasks and be able to adjust changing priorities. They should be adept in their ability to quickly shift perspectives and approach relationships and business transactions accordingly.Responsibilities:- Ensuring a unique and genuine guest experience by empowering staff to resolve issues, while acting as a supportive and active leader who will manage situations as they evolve.- Monitoring and managing service, quality, health + safety and cleanliness.- Working in tandem with the server team to ensure all reservations are input correctly and honoured in a timely fashion, to maximize restaurant yield and guest experiences.- Ensuring that during all our services, each of our guests are treated with the utmost hospitality.- Coordinate between the front and back of house to achieve store operation goals- Finding opportunities to develop relationships with repeat guests to capture return business in the neighbourhood/ community.- Maintaining a strong focus on achieving and/or exceeding revenue targets, within acceptable labor cost- Planning marketing events of single stores and implement the events from company marketing department- Handle emergency and report timely- Completing other assignment from restaurant general managerSkills and Qualifications:- 2-3 years of progressive management experience in a restaurant environment- Strong sense of customer service, can handle customer complaints- Experienced trainer and mentor to staff teams.- Ability to multi-task, remain cool and keep up in a fast-paced environment.- Must be able to communicate effectively with both internal and external stakeholders (verbally and written) in English and Chinese (Mandarin)- Strong sense of customer service, can handle customer complaints- Flexible to work evenings and weekends and holidaysWe offer a competitive package, which includes Performance Bonuses, Insurance and high tip income to the right candidate. If you are interested in this position and would like to join and grow with Liuyishou North America, we encourage you to send a Cover Letter and Resume to us.Job Types: Full-time, Permanent
最后发表: 阿白a@ 2022-5-18 17:53 938 1 2022-5-17
yuuuu [招聘·企业相关] 市中心正规店招聘按摩师男女不限
市中心正规店招聘按摩师,男女不限,多年老店,客源稳定,分成高小费好,诚聘: 有经验的按摩师,懂得缓解肌肉疼痛的手法,同时招聘按摩学员,欢迎新老移民或持工签的留学生前来应聘。 联系电话:514-710-8882
最后发表: 阿白a@ 2022-5-18 17:48 1202 1 2022-5-18
jeromewu [招聘·企业相关] St- Laurent区连锁寿司店招聘
Ville de St- Laurent地区连锁寿司店招聘 招聘 包卷熟手,帮厨,收银 要求 踏实肯干,手脚麻利,有相关工作经验者优先。 收银要求英法语流利。 有兴趣可短信至 (514) 839-9055 非诚勿扰!!
最后发表: jeromewu@ 2022-5-18 17:25 1134 2 2022-5-14

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