持枪证考试摘要 纯干货 CFSC
Canadian Firearms Safety Course
考试为两部分,实操考试和笔试 笔试一共是50道题。对40道题考试合格。以下是我记得的考的知识点,一个知识点对应一个题目。*the standing position is the least stableshooting position.*slotgun shell contains shot/slug, wad, powdercharge, primer*size of shotgun shells: gauge increase, thediameter decrease*rifle ammunition range: .22LR can causedangerous situation if the range is 1 mike/1.6km*书168页,持枪姿势,trail carry这个动作考了*书30页,percussion cap要看图认识*rim-fire, the prime is on the edge; center-fire:prime is at the center*枪的三个组成部分: action, sotck, barrel*子弹名称:303 savage 和303 bridge虽然大小一样,但是不能混用。这是一道判断题*影响弹道(trajectory)的因素:wind, weight of bullet, gravity, humidity*misfire以后,等待时间是60s才能检查*outdoor, walking in the wood, always controlmuzzle*如果是使用了长度不一样的散弹枪子弹会造成A self-injured B gun explode C* D all the above选d 以上都是*prove里面 v是verify the feedingpath*acts里面,a是assume all the firearm is loaded*如果枪管里没有膛线,这种枪管叫做cylinder tube*书166页 safe zone的定义*material for cleaning gun: rod, patch, oil书195,选择题给了4个选项,有一个不用于clean*判断题:tiger lock is the only way to secure the firearm 错*判断题: shotgun and shell can be displayed together错*外面下雨,可不可以在车里load the firearm. 不可以!*书218页,if the unattended vehicle does not have a trunk or similarcompartment, fire arm should be out of sight and unloaded*书108页,看到枪的图片要可以分辨出是哪一种action的方式*为了保护听力,在哪种情况下要戴耳塞。是个选择题,选所有情况*do not shoot a target on the top of a hill*书64页 选择题 be sure of your target and beyong A.positively identify your taget. Make sure it is exactly what you shoot B. checkthat you have a clear field of rire C check that the area behind your target issafe before shooting D all of the above选D*书188页 follow through的概念 实操考试建议,一共5把枪,随机一把演示PROVE,所以要知道每把枪的上膛方式,课间休息或者实操练习的时候多练,防止实操考试不熟悉枪。(考试的人群中一半以上是玩过的,打过猎的,我们华人基本不熟悉,实操考试需要多练习)5把action 为 hinge action, pump action, lever action,semi-auto action, bolt action
2023-5-23 23:52