Course Schedule (Regular Track or Fast Track)
课程列表 (传统课程或快速课程可选):
Semester 1:学期一
Early childhood education as a profession 以幼儿教育为职业
Family and social life 家庭与社会生活
Children’s safety in child-care centers 托儿中心的儿童安全
Introduction to child development in children ages 0 to 3 0至3岁儿童的成长概况
Creative abilities in the workplace 工作场所的创造力
Multicultural context 多元文化背景
Semester 2: 学期二
Childhood observation 儿童观察
Global child development in children ages 3 to 12 全球3至12岁儿童的成长
Educational activities for children ages 6 to 12 6至12岁儿童的教育
Practicing educative action 教育实践
Behavioral interventions 行为干预
Children’s health in child-care centers 托儿中心的儿童健康
Semester 3: 学期三
Developing meaningful relationships with children 与孩子建立有意义的关系
Developing childhood autonomy 儿童自主能力培养
Observing and evaluating educative action 观察和评估教育行为
Educational activities for children ages 0 to 5 0至5岁儿童的教育
Internship 1 – Initiation 实习1
Semester 4: 学期四
Communication and collaboration in teams 团队沟通与合作
Collaboration in teams for Internship 2 实习2-团队合作
Internship 2 – Integration (225h) 实习2 (225h) 。