热搜: 房产 留学 医疗

[住宅(个人出租)] 坐拥蒙城最佳地段!Roccabella 大四半整租!3500 每月!

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idk 发表于 2019-8-4 16:26:52 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 加拿大
区域: 市中心/中国城
房屋靠近: 地铁站 学校 
靠近地铁站(站名): Lucien Lallier, Peel, Guy-Concordia, Bonaventure.
靠近学校(学校名): Concordia University, McGill University, UQAM, Collège Lasalle, Dawson College.
房屋类型: 高级公寓-Condominium
出租方式: 整租
睡房数量: 2睡房
客厅数量: 1客厅
浴厕数量: 2浴厕
车位数量: 0车位
房间类型: 双人间 
租金: 3500
租金范围: 无要求 /月
租金包含: 暖气 
期望入住时间: 随时入住
租约属性: 新租约
计划租期: 长租
长租时间: 1年及以上
open: 随时
出租楼层: 地上
地上楼层数: 18
装修程度: 高档装修
使用面积: 1140 平方英尺
联系人: Weiyang_Xing
联系电话: 5145697798
电子邮箱: weiyang_xing@hotmail.com
微信: weiyang_xing
出租对象: 不限 
房客要求: 不限 
使用条件: 全新装修 光线明亮 房间宽敞 
附属设备: 全套家具 简单厨具 冷气空调 炉灶 烤箱 微波炉 电冰箱 洗碗机 电视 洗衣机 健身房 游泳池 
服务设施: 独立厨房 独立卫浴 冷气空调 健身房 电视 
周边情况: 繁华大街 超级市场 购物中心 学校 图书馆 公园 警局 
附近交通: 近公交站 近地铁站 近火车站 近高速路 
大四个半公寓整组外包, 仅需3500/月。 每个房间都有独立的卫生间。可整租也可以分开单租, 搭伙分租另议。
金融中心卓越的地理位置,步行到市中心主要购物区,美食餐厅,毗邻地铁站(Peel,Lucien L'Allier,Bonaventure和Guy-Concordia),AMT通勤火车站,以及高速公路720。中央车站也仅仅有5分钟步行路程。
离康大,麦大,lasalle college, Dawson college 及UQAM 大学很近,最多需要5分钟~10分钟步行或者公共交通。对于条件好的学生是不二选择。对于商务人士来说更是无比舒适,坐落市中心,意味着一切办公室只需要5分钟步行!
房间内现代化设备设施齐全:冰箱,微波炉,洗碗机,烤箱,洗衣机,烘干机,电视机,暖气,空调 。重要的是!!内含家具,冬暖夏涼,提包入住!(包床,床头柜,桌椅,沙发等)
公寓里一应俱全的公共娱乐设施, 包括:两层的健身房,公共露台,台球厅,休闲区,烧烤区,桑拿室,泳池,温泉,按摩浴缸,电影厅等。
喜欢市中心或方便生活的你 ,不要错过这样一个难得的好地方哦!

如果你有兴趣,请电话短信给5145697798, 电子邮件:weiyang_xing@hotmail.com 或者直接微信 weiyang_xing。

It’s the 4 1/2 luxury condo at it’s best! And now it is available for you to rent the whole of it. Only for 3500 dollars a month, you can own the 1440 square foot condo which located in one of the best super luxury high rise building Roccabella. This luxury condo has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms each locate close to their bedrooms, alongside with a georgeous living room. It also has a large drawer room inside the master “suites” between master bedroom and the washroom. It is available to rent in one or you can negotiate with a companion for a best option.

Location of this condo is directly in the heart of the great Montreal. It is walking distance to the Ville-Marie CBD so it is ideal for business person to rent this house. It is also very good for students which are having really nice income or support from families, since it is a walking 5 minute distance to Concordia University and McGill University. It is also easily accessed to University of Quebec (UQAM) , Collège Lasalle and Dawson Collège by 10 minute’s walk or metro. There are 4 Metro station that is very close to this condo: Lucien-Lallier (accompanied by AMT transits); Bonaventure (also train station for National rail or AMT); Guy-Concordia (Universities) and Peel (Commercial Center). And you can access to any locations available for Metro transit in less than 30 Minutes.

Equipments in this room is also rich and new, you can have all necessities in kitchen like stove, microwave, oven, fridge and a range hood all made by famous equipment company called Smeg. Large storage space for kitchen and some chairs and desks. Living room has all necessities like sofa, a multi-function coffee table and a big screen on a cabinet. Washer and dryer are near the entrance of the condo unit. There are also a lot storage spaces and all amenities include Electric, water and air conditioning are always available, just you have to pay yourself. You can move in without any furnitures, hassle free.

In this condo building It does have swimming pool; sauna; lots of washrooms and two of it with showers; a nice gym; outdoor terrace with Barbecue spots; large elevators which is fast and all accessible to the garage and storage space. (But our condo doesn’t accompanied with Garage and storages) Securities is 24 hours and cleaning services is on everyday. This building also has a multi-media room and a ball room, which is always available.

Please, don’t lose the chance to have it If you enjoys to live a easy and vibrant life in the city!

If you are really interested in it, please text message to 5145697798, email: weiyang_xing@hotmail.com or we-chat to : weiyang_xing.





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