10月20号Nebula AI and FilSwan 当天在加拿大蒙特利尔举办线下招聘活动。活动地点会接受简历。
对科技公司,去中心化,云存储等感兴趣的可以来参加我们的线下活动,同时还有免费教学可以参加。 活动免费,位置有限,感兴趣的需要点击文章内的链接申请。
活动内容: 免费教学 - 交易市场以及存储提供商
- 搭建Lotus节点
- Filecoin的市场解决方案:FS3介绍
线下招聘目前开放职位 - Digital Marketing Manager
- Account Manager
- Blockchain Developer
- System Admin
时间:10月20号美东时间 3:00PM-6:00PM
地点:Le Centre Sheraton Montreal Hotel1201 René-Lévesque Blvd W, Montreal, Quebec H3B 2L7
报名链接: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/anniversary-of-filecoin-mainnet-launch-open-workshop-and-meetup-tickets-170389644012
关于FilSwan: Starting from 2018, FilSwan team has been dedicated to decentralized storage and computing solutions. FilSwan services are enhanced by edge computing, IPFS/Filecoin storage and decentralized ledger technologies. Our products are used by universities, VR/AR and other high performance computing companies. With FilSwan you could perform computing tasks at your nearest location at the lowest cost. We are building the largest fog computing network for metaverse. Since the start of FilSwan project, the team has received several development grants from Filecoin foundation and onboard community developers and companies to the Filecoin network.