如果你还在抱怨星巴克喝来喝去就那么几种的话,那一定是还不知道星巴克的secret menu!今天小编就从各大网站搜索资料,给大家整理出来个人觉得最美腻的10款星巴克秘密饮料,并附上recipe,可能大部分吃货都没喝过哟。感兴趣的小伙伴速速收藏,从此玩转星巴克!
Recipe:Berry refresher to first cold cup line. Lime refresher to second cold cup line. Lemonade to third cold cup line. Scoop of ice. Finished off with a splash of passion tea unsweetened.
2、酷感柑橘浆果汁(Citrus Berry Passion Refresher)
Recipe:Berry Refresher to first cold cup lineLime Refresher to the second cold cup lineLemonade to the third cold cup lineFinished off with a splash of Passion Tea unsweetened3、覆盆子奶茶(Raspberry Milk Tea)
Recipe:Iced black tea made with half & half instead of waterAdd an extra pump of classic syrupAdd toffee nut syrup (1 pump tall, 1.5 grande, 2 venti)Add raspberry syrup (1 pump tall, 1.5 grande, 2 venti)
4、草莓柠乐(Strawberry Lemonade Tea)
Recipe:Strawberry lemonade with equal parts black iced tea and lemonadeHalf the regular amount of strawberryBlend and enjoy!
5、棉花糖Frappuccino ( Cotton Candy Frappuccino)
Recipe:Vanilla Bean FrappuccinoAdd Raspberry Syrup (1 pump tall, 1.5 pumps grande, 2 pumps venti)
6、嘎吱船长星冰乐(Captain Crunch Frappuccino)
Strawberries and Creme FrappuccinoAdd caramel syrup (1/2 pump for a tall, 1 pump for grande, 1.5 pumps for venti)Add toffee syrup (1 pump tall, 1.5 pumps grande, 2 pumps venti)Add hazelnut syrup (1/2 pump for a tall, 1 pump for grande, 1.5 pumps for venti)Optional: Add java chips if you want some crunch
7、大力水手茶(Popeye Tea)
Unsweetened iced green teaAdd matcha powder (1 scoop tall, 1.5 grande, 2 venti)Blend8、桃子味软糖茶(Peach Ring Tea)
Half Passion Tea and Half Valencia Orange RefresherAsk for no waterAdd peach syrup: 2 pumps for a tall, 3 for a grande, 5 for a venti, or 6 for a trenta
9、禅宗果汁饮料(Zen Refresher)
Recipe:Half Cool LimeHalf Green Tea concentrate (No Water)Add 2 pumps of Peach Syrup (Optional, to add extra sweetness and flavor)Ice it and shake
10、水果宾治果汁饮料(Fruit Punch Refresher)
Recipe:Start with a Valencia Orange Refresher (including orange slices), with a tad more water than orangeAdd Raspberry Syrup (1 pump for a tall, 2 pumps for a grande, 3 pumps for a venti)Add Peach Syrup (1 pump for a tall, 1.5 for a grande, 2 for a venti)Shake and enjoy
2016-5-4 21:07