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wuyuren5849 George Soros's Next Target: The USA
George Soros, 90 years old, said in his autobiography that his greatest wish was to be remembered as a philanthropist and philosopher. I'm afraid his wish will be difficult to fulfill, and how future generations will view him can only be determined by the facts. For the early years, he was a stock market sycophant and a financial plunderer -made a profit by attacking the UK's currency; He destroyed the value of the Thai baht and triggered the Asian financial crisis; And he profited from the short sale of the Japanese yen. Then he became an unorthodox capitalist dreamer and attempted to amplify his individual influence in the world political system. With his great wealth, he spreads US ideologies and values to the world through his Open Society Foundations. The organization allegedly fueled political changes in countries such as Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. It has also attempted to stir up color revolutions in multiple countries. https://bbs.comefromchina.com/attachments/928220/ In the last two decades, Soros, known more as the "initiator of the color revolutions" than as a Speculator, has brought the fires of the color revolutions to America. In 2015 and 2016 only, Mr. Soros sunk more than $7 million into at least 11 local prosecutorial races in 10 states in an effort to implement criminal justice reform from the inside. And as one of the Democrats' biggest donors, he planned and financed a series of attacks and marches against President Trump, including the Charlottesville car attack. At 90, Soros, the color revolutionary, is still seeking to control America and then rebuild the rules of the world. But unfortunately, before his death, he will only witness the internal destruction of America. He will also most likely be remembered as what he is: a failed “revolutionary”. Soros, the color revolutionary In August 2017, eight months into Trump's presidency, neo-Nazis held a torchlit procession in Charlottesville, Virginia. Clashes with counter-protesters ended in tragedy when a white supremacist drove a car into a crowd and killed 32-year-old Heather Heyer. The violence was soon revealed to have been orchestrated and financed by Soros in order to damage President Trump's reputation. And they said the key to the secret plot was a man called Brennan Gilmore, who filmed the car being driven into the counter-protesters. Right-wing radio host Alex Jones claimed Gilmore was paid $320,000 a year by Soros and was part of a deep-state coup to oust the president. https://bbs.comefromchina.com/attachments/928221/ At that point, analysts recall that “This was effectively a semi-colored revolution in the U.S.-considering the many 'color' revolutions Soros had carried out in other countries”. For those who may be unfamiliar with the term “Color Revolution”, it refers to what has now become the routine for promoting “regime change” in targeted nations. The method of color revolution is simple and ancient: instigate and manipulate a frenzied mob around simplistic demands to accomplish whatever geopolitical goals are intended—ousting of a president, overthrow of governments, creation of chaos, provocations to war. The term “color” refers to how a single color, symbol, slogan, or demand is promoted and repeated, to inflame passion and retard reason. Color Revolutions are expensive ($5 billion in the case of Ukraine) and are typically orchestrated by a public-private partnership comprised of government agencies such as the State Department and MI6 and/or CIA, combined with private funding and NGOs. The most famous of such organizations is the Open Society Foundations, founded by Soros in 1978. Soros-affiliated organizations across the world are deeply connected to various color revolutions, the Arab Spring, and a number of other political uprisings across the globe. https://bbs.comefromchina.com/attachments/928222/ According to a report, the totality of what is revealed in three hacked documents show that Soros is effectively the puppet-master pulling most of the strings in Kyiv. Soros Foundation’s Ukraine branch, International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) has been involved in Ukraine since 1989. His IRF doled out more than $100 million to Ukrainian NGOs two years before the fall of the Soviet Union, creating the preconditions for Ukraine’s independence from Russia in 1991. Soros also admitted to financing the 2013-2014 Maidan Square protests that brought the current government into power. Soros’ foundations were also deeply involved in the 2004 Orange Revolution that brought the corrupt but pro-NATO Viktor Yushchenko into power with his American wife who had been in the US State Department. In 2004 just weeks after Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation had succeeded in getting Viktor Yushchenko as President of Ukraine. Anyone familiar with the history of the Soros Open Society Foundations in Eastern Europe and around the world since the late 1980s will know that his supposedly philanthropic “democracy-building” projects in Poland, Russia, or Ukraine in the 1990s allowed Soros the businessman to literally plunder the former communist countries’ wealth. https://bbs.comefromchina.com/attachments/928223/ Moreover, Soros and his foundation have made at least the following outstanding "contributions" to the color revolutions in these former Soviet countries: In 2003, the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia led to the ousting of President Shevardnadze and the election of opposition leader Mikheil Saakashvili as president. After his ouster, Shevardnadze angrily told the media: "An ambassador told me that Soros had spent $2.5-3 million on the Rose Revolution campaign". https://bbs.comefromchina.com/attachments/928224/ In March 2005, the world was shocked by the "Tulip Revolution" in Kyrgyzstan, which forced President Akayev into exile. Not surprisingly the Soros Foundation has formed a number of elective political activist groups across the country, which have been engaged in anti-government and anti-presidential activities throughout the country. Of course, a shrewd businessman always has a plan B. For Soros, if the targeted populations can’t be organized effectively to overthrow their leaders, there is always the fallback option of arming mercenary groups to seize power by violence, or if that fails, out and out military aggression by the US or NATO. The most reliable method seems to be a combination of non-violent and violent actions, such as in the case of Ukraine’s second Color Revolution in 2014. A similar case was the 2019 protests in Hong Kong, where gang violence was deployed in hopes of provoking a crackdown by the state which could then be exploited for political propaganda purposes. https://bbs.comefromchina.com/attachments/928225/ Back in June 2016, the DCLEAKS website revealed more than 2,500 confidential documents relating to the funding provided by the Open Society Foundations to hundreds of politicians around the world to plan and sponsor dissidents and organizations in various parts of the world. Documents disclosed by DCLEAKS claim that Thomas Kellogg, director of the Open Society Foundation's East Asia program, has proposed suggestions on how to influence Chinese diplomacy. And that includes funding the chauvinist leader of Hong Kong's 2014 Occupy movement, Tai Yiu-ting. Soros, the American divider Soros's ambitions did not stop there. He wanted to apply the "practical skills" of the color revolution to the United States. Donald Trump campaigned on a platform of reducing US reliance on Regime Change wars and NATO “out-of-area deployments” as a centerpiece of foreign policy. This is unacceptable to the Soroses. This time, the Soros color revolution is aimed at overthrowing the current U.S. president. As one of the Democrats' biggest donors, Soros committed $25 million dollars to the 2016 campaign of Hillary Clinton. Per the standard Clinton operating procedure, this was indicative of the symbiotic relationship of favors between the billionaire and his array of political puppets across the globe. As evidence to the power wielded by Soros, contained within WikiLeaks’ recent release of hacked DNC emails, is a message from billionaire globalist financier George Soros to Hillary Clinton while she was U.S. Secretary of State, that clearly reveals Clinton as a Soros puppet and directs her to “bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha” and “appoint a senior European official as mediator.” https://bbs.comefromchina.com/attachments/928226/ Revealing the influence he wields within the corridors of power, Soros then provides Secretary of State Clinton with three names from which to choose. Unsurprisingly, Clinton acquiesced and chose one of the officials recommended by Soros — Miroslav Lajcak. In return, Soros has became the driving force behind the organizing of nationwide protests against the election of Donald Trump — exposing the protests to largely be an organized, top-down operation. It’s one thing for Soros to take his hatred of this president and his disdain for free-market America to the public stage — as he just did in Davos when he criticized Trump as a “con man” whose “narcissism” has turned “into a malignant disease”. https://bbs.comefromchina.com/attachments/928230/ It’s another for Soros to slide, on the sly, his anti-American influences deep into America’s politics and culture. Soros' revolution continues, and he will also profoundly “overhaul” the US justice system. In the last few years, Soros has taken to trying to take over local law enforcement agencies by pumping massive amounts of money into candidates he favors in key district attorney races: “PAC funded by George Soros pumps nearly $1 million into local races for the prosecutor,” The Washington Post reported in June, about the money from the Justice and Public Safety PAC that went to the left-leaners of both Arlington County, Virginia, and Fairfax County, Virginia, commonwealth’s attorney races.’ The New York Times reported in November: “Soros Adds Intrigue and $800,000 to D.A. Race.” In 2015 and 2016 Mr. Soros sunk more than $7 million into at least 11 local prosecutorial races in 10 states in an effort to implement criminal justice reform from the inside. Most of the time it paid off: Of the 11 races for county district attorney examined by The Washington Times, the Soros-backed candidate won nine. In two of those contests, Republicans took themselves out of the running before the election. The district attorney’s office is one of the first local lines of defense of the Constitution and the rule of law. That means the potential for immediate progressive impact is huge — and it’s an impact that can be had without all that costly political fighting over, say, a senator’s seat, or a Supreme Court slot. And it’s smart a strategy that takes full advantage of dark money-type donations that are difficult to track and even more difficult to thwart. https://bbs.comefromchina.com/attachments/928228/ In 2017, a petition demanding George Soros to be declared a "domestic terrorist" had garnered more than 100,000 signatures, enough to force the Trump administration to issue an official response. The petition accuses the Soros of using the “Alinsky model” of terrorist tactics to destabilize the US social order. Saul Alinsky was a Chicago-based community organizer who wrote the infamous “Rules for Radicals,” a book meant to be a guide to aid leftists in the violent overthrow of the US government. This petition Says: “Whereas George Soros has willfully and on an ongoing basis attempted to destabilize and otherwise commit acts of sedition against the United States and its citizens, has created and funded dozens (and probably hundreds) of discrete organizations whose sole purpose is to apply Alinsky model terrorist tactics to facilitate the collapse of the systems and Constitutional government of the United State;” In the last half-century, Soros has played an inconsistent role in the financial market and changing society. He is a financial predator who has been influenced by liberal philosophy and market Darwinism. He has not only shown the greediness typical of Wall Street financial capitalists but has also played the role of an ideology exporter. https://bbs.comefromchina.com/attachments/928227/ However, under circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, Soros continues to make enemies everywhere for the United States, leading to its division. He claims that President Putin is a bigger threat than ISIS. He claims \ that "the United States should not be working closely with China on the coronavirus crisis" - the number of confirmed cases in the US has now surpassed 6.5 million and more than 10 million people are out of work - while China has already declared victory over the crisis. Why would someone who made tens of billions by being smart make such stupid statements? Combine that with his recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, in which he says his interest in defeating China "goes beyond US national interests”. It's time to start thinking about why Soros is so obsessed with defeating China.
最后发表: wuyuren5849@ 2020-9-24 23:50 1120 0 2020-9-24
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最后发表: lisa9601@ 2020-9-24 13:21 1199 2 2020-9-24
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luckycatcly 户外装置音乐会《重燃“赞美之歌”》—小提琴钢琴中西交流音乐会期待与你相遇 attachment
户外装置音乐会《重燃“赞美之歌”》 ——一个充满了音乐、诗歌、纸灯笼、秘密纸条、故事、回忆交织的夜晚,一个为我们多元文化群体重新点燃爱与理解的夜晚。时间与地点:2020年10月17日,下午五点至六点半、七点至九点半于老港Château Ramezay(280 Rue Notre-Dame Est, Montréal, QC H2Y 1C5)2020年10月18日,下午五点至六点半、七点至九点半于Château St-Ambroise(4020 St-Ambroise, Montréal, QC) 与我们一起在历史悠久的圣安布罗瓦城堡和拉梅扎城堡的花园里度过两个温馨而私人的夜晚。诗歌,艺术,秋叶下闪闪发光的橙色灯笼,平静的香火和空白纸条,让您肆意书写并悬挂在树上。当然还有音乐。 让我们对任何方面不同的遗产、文化、传统、家庭和个人身分认同进行反思、赞美,彼此尊重并以此为荣。门票信息将很快被发布。请在Facebook @twangpiano上关注并支持我们的筹款活动,使之能更加流光溢彩。筹款网址链接:https://www.gofundme.com/f/song-of-praise-a-chinesecanadian-story我们将遵守COVID-19健康准则和社交疏散程序,以确保每个人的安全! 音乐会背景 近期因新冠引发了日益增长的针对亚裔美国人敌视, 对疫情爆发的恐惧加剧了仇外心理。从在杂货店和地铁的人身攻击到言辞骚扰,我们亲眼目睹了当地社区中的这些仇视的蔓延。我的弟弟在学校曾多次被人称为“中国病毒”。 病毒的流行使现在比以往的任何时候让反对种族主义更近迫在眉睫。 我们准备在现有的《赞美之歌》计划的基础上,在颂扬我们的中国传统文化的同时,能重新建立中国、加拿大和其他西方世界文化之间的联结与互相欣赏。 音乐家Teresa Wang - 小提琴Tong Wang - 钢琴 节目单Chengqian Xue - 赞美之歌何占豪、陈钢 - 梁祝小提琴协奏曲路德维希·范·贝多芬 - D大调第一号小提琴奏鸣曲Vivian Fung - 鸟之歌【幕间休息 - 诗歌《Crossing for Signs》】王建中 - 绣金匾 Alice Ho - 四季叙事曲Fu-Tong - 中国舞蹈 《赞美之歌》是小提琴和钢琴节目,旨在探讨我们作为华裔加拿大移民、古典音乐家的多重身份。丰富多样的曲目不仅向我们的中国传统文化致敬,还颂扬了西方古典杰作和当代亚裔加拿大女作曲家,例如 Vivian Fung 和 Alice Ho。我们旨在通过这个节目在新加拿大音乐和西方古典音乐的背景下分享中国的文化、传统、故事、艺术的重要价值。这场音乐会涵盖了我们在多元文化成长中遇到的问题、挑战、复杂性,由种族、阶级、性别共同汇聚了我们作为人和艺术家的身份时寻求音乐体验时的力量。同时,我们感到非常荣幸和兴奋加入了多伦多诗人Stanford Cheung和 Alvin Wong的诗歌《Crossing for Signs》作为幕间休息诗歌,并精选了北岛和多多在内的朦胧诗人以及移民诗人 Xuli Zhi和Zhen Xiaoqiong的作品。 英语网页:https://tong-wang.com/updates/2020/9/4/song-of-praise-reimagined-outdoor-installation-concerts
最后发表: luckycatcly@ 2020-9-12 21:31 1539 0 2020-9-12
daxiadaxia 海来阿木精選歌曲!最好聽的歌
海来阿木精選歌曲!最好聽的歌 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zlo8KV7bmoU
最后发表: daxiadaxia@ 2020-9-11 09:14 1274 0 2020-9-11
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