[其它类] Chomeday Laval 3+2 bedrooms 2 bath Intergenerational home for sale
Located in Chomeday Laval, 3+2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, inground pool, big back yard, private street, suitable for the big family or family who would like to live with in-laws or to have extra income. Basement has separate exit and kitchen with two big bedrooms and one living room. who has a chance? call listing broker Patty 514-6075288 or Jade 514- 5465106 https://www.mengchenghui.com/forum.php?mod=image&aid=1864499&size=300x300&key=89851faacddf9490&nocache=yes&type=fixnone&ramdom=kIV5f
house will be held September 29th, Sunday between 14:00-16:00.