● 招聘公司:加拿大CGI公司 点击申请
● 招聘职位:工资管理人员每周工作两天(Payroll clerk 2 days/week) ● 工作内容: - Communicate with clients in your portfolio to enter their payroll data;
- Produce payroll based on the client’s expectations and legislation in force;
- Plan and organize your work to comply with service levels and client expectations;
- Provide timely support to clients when entering their payroll data;
- Follow the department’s policies and procedure;
- Comply with the quality standards for communication with clients;
- Act as a resource person for client retention;
- Participate in knowledge sharing within your team;
- Work in close collaboration with the other sectors.
● 工作要求: - 拥有高中文凭;
- 一年全职工作经验或两年兼职发薪或客户服务经验;
- 能够在压力下工作,并能在截止日期前完成工作,并能保持积极的态度;
- 组织能力强,能分清轻重缓急;
- 熟悉Microsoft Office办公软件(Word、Excel、PowerPoint)及互联网导航;
- 优秀的法语和英语书写和口语能力(必要)。