获得该佣金减免优惠的在线开户步骤很简单(线下开户暂时无法享受该优惠): 1、点击这里打开加泰证券(Questrade)交易佣金减免活动页面,在活动页面上你会看到这条指示:Open a new account with minimum of $1000 and you’ll get unbeatable brokerage services from Questrade plus we’ll deposit a $50 commission rebate directly into your account.Please use offer code m9wnjy8z
3、在线申请开户过程中的第二个页面下方会要求开户人填写Offer code(也就是开户优惠代码),请填入 m9wnjy8z 这个优惠代码,你需勾选“I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this offer.”即可),然后点按钮确认其优惠条款为:
$50 trade commission rebate
Open and fund an account with a minimum of CAD $1000 and get $50 in trade commission rebates