● 招聘公司:毕马威公司(KPMG)点击申请
● 招聘职位:人员与变更顾问(Consultant - People & Change) ● 工作内容: - As a Consultant you will help understand client issues, develop hypotheses, conduct primary and secondary research and analysis, valuable recommendations, and support client implementation. You will rapidly become knowledgeable on the business concepts and issues which drive the client’s needs. In the role you will analyze client data in order to advise clients and support client in the implementation of solutions you recommend. You’ll work collaboratively with client teams and help develop client capabilities and contribute to all aspects of building a Management Consulting practice (e.g., business development, culture, community engagement, etc.).
- At times, employees are required and agree to work beyond their normal work day or work week to fulfill the accountabilities of their roles on client engagements and internal projects. Likewise, people need time to devote to personal matters, and our approach to flexibility in work hours provides for this.
● 工作要求: - 拥有本科学历;
- 无论在个人能力还是在团队环境中,你都能自如地运用结构化的问题解决和批判性思维;
- 表现出卓越的人际交往能力,具备与客户利益相关者沟通的能力;
- 具有优秀的沟通能力(口头和书面的);
- 应征者还应该熟悉项目管理,能够独立地处理分配给他们的流,并高度关注细节;
- 应精通英语和法语,精通微软Excel和PowerPoint