● 招聘公司: 蒙特利尔银行(BMO)点击申请
● 招聘职位: 呼叫中心质量管理员( Call Quality Officer) ● 工作类型: 全职 ● 工作内容: 1. Be accountable to monitor inbound and outbound calls to assess: quality; compliance; customer service opportunities; and best practices providing reporting to Management to action;
2. Identify coaching opportunities and provide information to assist line managers in coaching, training and mentoring of employees;
3. Provide input for reports and analysis to the Quality & Compliance Manager and Leadership Team, highlighting areas of non-compliance and areas of concern. ● 工作要求: 1. 优秀的协调能力;
2. 英语法语流利;
3. 扎实的银行产品知识;
4. 有相关MAAS, TSYS, Customer Connect, NCCS, ECOR工作经验。 扫描下方二维码获取更多招聘信息