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[招聘·企业相关] Shopper+ 诚聘采购1-2名

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shopper+ 发表于 2022-6-23 16:40:12 | 只看该作者 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 加拿大
Job Description:
ShopperPlusis Canada's leading e-commerce platform, founded in Montreal, Canada in 2008 byJack, an early Alibaba employee. After years of in-depth exploration andcontinuous development, the company has established a series of full-contact,multi-channel, cost-effective and innovative DTC brands, including officesupplies, 3C electronic products, home storage, hardware kitchen and bathroom,kitchen and small Home appliances, pet supplies, baby supplies and basic dailynecessities, etc. Through its own website and e-commerce platform, ShopperPlusserves millions of Canadian consumers every year.
In Montreal,there is one order fulfilment center and its own distribution network, onefulfilment center in Vancouver, Canada, and one merchandise center inGuangzhou, China. The company has completed Round A venture capital investmentin August, 2021. The fulfilment center on the WestIsland of Montreal has also expanded to 250,000 square feet (2.5 times the sizeof the previous one). Meanwhile, an intelligent warehousing robotic orderpicking system is introduced to break through the bottleneck and to positionShopper+ in the front line.
Job Title: Procurement Specialist
Reports to: Procurement Manager
WorkingPlace: Montreal
1.    Filter home division out-of-stock orders for relatedweb-site of home division on a daily basis and allocate inventory by switching the shipping warehouseto fulfill customer orders.
2.    Check availability of inventory, sort out restock product lists, prepare purchase ordersto replenish stocks within purchasing authority.
3.    Expedite and manage new orders and outstanding orders to achievedelivery performance before the deadline.
4.    Contact suppliers to schedule deliveries and to resolve shortages,missed deliveries and other problems.
5.    Maintain purchasing files, invoices, custom documents and scheduleestimated payment date.
6.    Source new products and conduct product comparison analysis
7.    Manage the relationships of multiple suppliers to deliver highestlevels of services and ensure the correctness of supplier information
8.    Cross team communications:
●     Assist the finance team to confirm the accuracy of invoices andpayment request
●     Contact the suppliers to assist solving customer inquiries regardingcompany products
●     Communicate with suppliers to obtain detailed product informationbased on the requirements of the product team
●     Complete client out-of-stock orders by working with customerservice team
9.    Other assignments by its immediate supervisor
1.    Knowledge
●      Bachelor’s degree, major in business, commerce, logistics ormarketing
●      Basic understanding of our products
●      1+ yearpurchasing working experience is preferred
2.    Competence
●      Good communication in both verbal and written in English,speaking Frenchis a plus, speaking mandarin is a plus
●     Computer literate
●     Multi-tasking and time management skill
●     Detail oriented, accurate, well organized
●     Strong planning and analytical skills
3.    Others
●    Sense of responsibility
●    Good team player
Please send your resume to: job@shopperplus.com





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