● 招聘公司:Behaviour Interactive
● 公司简介:Behavior Interactive成立于1992年,总部位于蒙特利尔,是北美最大的独立游戏开发商之一,拥有近600名员工,在每个平台上销售的游戏超过7000万款。到目前为止,该公司的游戏已经覆盖全球2亿多玩家。
● 招聘职位:首席艺术家 ● 职位性质:Full time ● 职位薪酬:$70,000+ ● 工作内容: - 保证最佳的游戏艺术制作,遵循艺术方向,时间和技术的限制;
- 与首席设计师、艺术总监和技术总监紧密合作;
- 根据项目需要和能力组织并管理艺术团队;
- 参与生产,确保团队以及能力和专业知识的发展;
- 确保与经理进行沟通,使团队和工作具备可见性。
● Responsibilities: - To guarantee an optimal production of the game art, while following the requested artistic direction, respecting the constraints of time and the technical constraints.
- Work closely with the Lead Level Designer, the Art Director and the Technical Director.
- Organize and manage the art team according to the needs of the project and the abilities of the team
- Participate in production and ensure the development of the team in their daily tasks as well as the development of competences and expertise of this team.
- Ensure clear communication with his managers to give visibility to his team and his work.
● 职位要求: - 精通艺术软件,了解二维/三维计算机图形软件;
- 学习新软件并成为新软件的技术支持者,以提高团队绩效;
- 拥有建模技术知识,将其付诸实践,同时尊重项目要求;
- 能够理解、运用视觉概念,并根据艺术方向,创造和改进项目的图形制作;
- 至少有三年的艺术家经验;
- 掌握专业英语,有书面和口头的沟通能力。
● Requirements: - Master artistic software: Knowing of classic 2D / 3D computer graphics software (Maya / Marvelous Designer / Zbrush / Photoshop)
- Learn new software and / or be a proponent for new software that improves the quality and performance of the team.
- Develop your knowledge of modelling techniques and put them into practice creatively while respecting the constraints of the project.
- Develop strong artistic skills: Understand, apply visual concepts and use their artistic references to create and improve the graphic production of the project in line with the artistic direction.
- You have at least 3 years of experience as a Senior Artist.
- You have technical English and you have enough fluency to express yourself on a daily basis both in writing and orally.