● 招聘公司:TD Bank
● 公司简介:道明银行总部设在加拿大的多伦多,是一家加拿大的特许银行。TD 银行财团通过全球许多重要金融中心的四大业务向 1400 多万客户提供服务TD 银行财团位列世界在线金融服务公司的前列,拥有 450 多万在线客户。
● 招聘职位:客户体验经理 ● 职位性质:Part-time ● 职位薪酬:$40,000+ ● 工作内容: - 指导团队,在每一次与客户的互动中展示非凡的经验,实现卓越的运营和个人发展目标
- 通过维护员工排班并确保所有的政策、程序和行为准则得到遵守来满足客户的需求和合规要求
- 与一个TD合作伙伴合作,以最适合客户需求的方式帮助所有客户
- 根据客户问题解决指引,协助前线员工解决投诉;鼓励高级团队成员作为一个升级点,并根据需要采取个人所有权
- 指导团队提出建议和客户对话策略和策略,以改善和促进一个传奇的客户体验
- 领导团队监控工作流程,确定任务的优先级并分配职责,同时解决和改进运营问题
- 管理复杂的分公司日常行政工作
- 根据营业场所、市场和法规的要求,维护分公司面对客户的区域
- 领导一个高绩效的团队,提供持续的绩效反馈,确保他们的绩效管理活动得到执行和完成
- 帮助建立一个公平、积极和公平的环境,提高团队的效率,保持积极的态度,不断提高对新兴行业趋势和项目的认识
● MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: - Mentor a team by showcasing exceptional experiences in every customer interaction and achieving operational excellence, and personal development objectives
- Meet customer demands and compliance requirements by maintaining employee scheduling and ensuring all policies, procedures and guidelines of conduct are followed
- Collaborate with One TD partners to help all customers in a way that suit their needs best
- Support the frontline staff in resolving complaints as per customer problem resolution guidelines; encourage senior team members to act as a point of escalation and take personal ownership as required
- Coach the team on advice-giving and customer conversation strategies and tactics to improve and promote a legendary customer experience
- Lead the team to monitor workflows, prioritize tasks and assign duties while resolving and improving operational issues
- Administer complex daily branch administrative duties
- Maintain customer facing areas of the branch as per premises, marketing, and regulatory guidelines
- Lead a high performing team by providing ongoing performance feedback and ensuring their performance management activities are undertaken and completed
- Help build a fair, positive and equitable environment by promoting team effectiveness, maintaining a positive attitude and improving knowledge of emerging industry trends and programs constantly
● 职位要求: - 本科学历,3年以上相关工作经验
- 对流程管理、业务和运营功能(包括银行解决方案和概念)有良好的了解
- 熟练使用办公软件,互联网应用
- 能够与客户、合作伙伴和管理层进行简明、合理的交流
- 有很强的组织、计划和时间管理能力
- 有活力的领导者,有很强的影响力,能够在快节奏的工作环境中熟练地与客户和员工一起工作
● REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: - Undergraduate degree with over 3 years of relevant work experience
- Sound knowledge of processes management, business and operational functions including banking solutions and concepts
- Proficiency in software tools including MS Office, and internet application
- Tactful and diplomatic communicator able to exchange ideas and information with customers, partners and management in a concise and logical way
- A go-getter with strong organizational, planning and time management skills
- A dynamic leader with strong influential skills to work expertly with customers and employees in a fast-paced work environment