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[招聘·企业相关] 加拿大航空公司(NAV CANADA)蒙城招聘全职人力资源业务顾问,年薪8w+!我们期待优秀的你!

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蒙特利尔求职招聘 发表于 2019-7-10 08:43:28 | 只看该作者 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 陕西

●  招聘公司:NAV

●  公司简介:加拿大航空公司(NAV CANADA)是一家私营非股份资本公司,拥有并经营加拿大民用航空导航服务(ANS)。加拿大航空公司协调飞机在加拿大国内空域和国际指定给加拿大控制的空域的安全有效的移动。通过其海岸到海岸的业务,加拿大航空公司提供空中交通管制、飞行信息、天气简报、航空信息、机场咨询服务和电子导航辅助。

●  招聘职位:人力资源业务顾问
●  职位性质:全职
●  职位薪酬:$80,000+

●  工作内容:
  • 与人力资源业务伙伴合作,通过管理和改进现有的人力资源项目和实践,以及实施反映最佳实践、立法要求和NAV CANADA企业文化的新项目和程序,协助FIR实现其战略目标。
  • 参与对FIR内部组织政策和组织变革有重大影响的公司和区域项目或倡议。与人力资源业务伙伴合作,制定沟通策略,确保人力资源流程、政策和项目的有效实施,包括总报酬、劳资关系、人力资源运营、组织效率、人才获取和组织健康业务领域。
  • 支持人力资源业务伙伴正确和一致地应用公司政策和实践;解释与组织结构、人员配置政策、程序和流程相关的适用政策/计划或实践以及集体协议。
  • 通过参与旨在解决员工和工会问题的投诉阶段讨论,为HRBP提供支持。
  • 提供研究和建议,协助人力资源业务伙伴调查和解决员工关系问题。
  • 利用内部和外部资源进行研究和分析,了解当前的计划/项目、流程和实践,以协助管理。根据需要参与其他人力资源或跨职能团队和项目。建立并维护与跨职能团队、管理层、工会和外部利益相关者的关系,以促进和支持目标的协调。
  • 与COE合作,根据员工的绩效评估,支持FIR的学习和开发需求。
  • 理解和解释就业立法,以支持和指导遵守下列法律:《人权法》、《就业公平法》、《隐私法》、《加拿大劳工法》等。
  • 与同行协商,确保组织、计划、人员配置和人力资源政策之间的整合和一致性。
  • 保持内部和外部联系网络,定期评估和保持最新的人口统计数据、与人才获取相关的未来趋势和发展、政府标准、行业实践、立法、指导方针和与人力资源相关的项目。参与外部网络活动,协会和职业博览会,以促进NAV加拿大品牌
●  Responsibilities:
  • Partners with the HR Business Partner to assist the FIR to meet its strategic goals and objectives through management and enhancement of existing HR programs and practices, and implementation of new programs and procedures that reflect best practices, legislative requirements and NAV CANADA’s corporate culture.
  • Participates in corporate and regional projects or initiatives that have significant impact on organizational policies and organizational change within the FIR. Collaborates with HR Business Partner to develop communications strategies to ensure effective implementation of Human Resource processes, policies and programs with respect to the Total Rewards, Labour Relations, HR Operations, Organization Effectiveness and Talent Acquisition & Organization Health business areas.
  • Supports the HR Business Partner on proper and consistent application of corporate policies and practices; Interprets applicable policy/program or practice and collective agreements related to organization restructures, staffing policies, procedures and processes.
  • Provides support to HRBP by participating in complaint stage discussions aimed at resolving employee and union concerns.
  • Provides research and recommendations to assist HR Business Partner with investigations and resolution of employee relations matters.
  • Conducts research and analysis using internal and external resources to gain insight of current program/project, processes and practices to assist management.  Participates on other HR or cross-functional teams and projects as required. Builds and maintains a relationship with cross-functional teams, management, unions and external stakeholders, to foster and support coordination of objectives.
  • Partners with the COE to support the learning and development needs of the FIR based on the performance assessments of employees.
  • Understands and interprets Employment Legislation in order to support and guide compliance with the following Legislations: Human Rights Act, Employment Equity Act, Privacy Act, Canada Labour Code etc.
  • Consults with peers to ensure integration and consistency among organization, planning, staffing and HR policies.
  • Maintains a network of internal and external contacts to regularly benchmark and remain current on demographics, future trends and developments related to talent acquisition, government standards, industry practices, legislation, guidelines and programs related to HR. Participates in external networking events, associations and career fairs to promote the NAV CANADA brand
●  职位要求:
  • 大学本科或同等学历,人力资源或相关领域,或专业人力资源认证
  • 5年人力资源运营经验
  • 有在工会环境中的工作经验
  • 具有积极招聘和培训的人力资源通才经验
  • 全面理解人力资源最佳实践和战略计划
  • 全面了解土地注册处及法例的规定
  • 具备跨部门运用人力资源知识/经验的能力
  • 较强的人力资源分析能力
  • 能够建立和维持有效的工作关系
  • 具备内部咨询和咨询能力
  • 具有良好的判断力和判断力
  • 能够指导员工和经理克服困难
  • 双语,英语和法语
●  Requirements:
  • 5 years of experience in an operational HR role
  • Experience in a unionized environment
  • HR systems experience
  • HR Generalist experience with active recruitment and training
  • Thorough understanding of HR best practices and strategic programs
  • Thorough understanding of LR and legislated requirements
  • Ability to apply HR knowledge / experience across all HR policies, programs, processes, and functions
  • Strong HR analytical skills
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships
  • Demonstrated internal consulting and advisory capability
  • Proven ability to exercise sound judgement and discretion
  • Ability to coach employees and managers through difficult situations
  • Bilingual , English and French





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