● 招聘公司:麦吉尔大学(McGill University)
● 公司简介: 始建于1821年,坐落于加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔,是一所蜚声全球的世界顶尖学府,Universitas 21的成员大学之一,百年来在国际上声誉崇高,研究水平享誉世界。麦吉尔大学长期以来一直位列加拿大大学排行榜第一名。有“北方哈佛”的美誉。作为加拿大对学术成绩要求最高的大学,其申请资格线、录取平均分、课程难度和毕业要求均为全国高校之最,高居全国第一 。麦吉尔大学拥有全国最高的博士生比例,培育了加拿大最多的诺贝尔奖得主和罗德学者。加拿大现任最高领导人贾斯廷·特鲁多亦毕业于此。截止2019年,麦吉尔共培养了14位诺贝尔奖得主、144位罗德学者、8位国家元首、5位宇航员、3位普利策奖得主、1位阿贝尔奖得主、1位图灵奖得主以及11位格莱美奖得主和9名奥斯卡金像奖得主。
● 招聘职位:注册主任助理 ● 职位性质:全职 ● 职位薪酬:$60,000+
● 工作内容: - 管理学术项目,确保学生记录和政府报告与新修订的项目和课程保持一致。
- 为系统支援及编码标准订立协议及指引,以确保学生纪录系统与学生资料的兼容性,包括入学、注册、学生纪录及成绩单,以及政府报告。
- 监督学生注册,并确保麦吉尔在注册方面符合最佳实践。
- 领导制作eCalendars的团队,包括所有项目信息、大学规章制度和资源。
- 监察新资讯科技系统的推行,以及支援政府报告、注册、学位评审及电子证书的制作。
- 除了注册主任、注册服务执行主任及资讯科技总监外,助理注册主任亦参与制订资讯科技项目的策略优先次序。
- 监督学位评估团队。为以前的学生维护遗留系统,并在2018年为新系统维护。这些系统对所有学生的学位进程进行评估,以确保他们符合大学课程的毕业要求。
- 负责团队为即将到来的大学关键日期日历(包括所有宗教节日)制作日期模型。
- 监督政府报告团队以及年度政府审计。是广州大学(GDEU)技术小组委员会成员。
- 学生记录小组委员会主席,该委员会有来自全校的教师代表,以及主要的中央办事处。议程项目涉及学生记录、注册、费用、咨询、系统维护和改进。小组委员会亦负责提出与系统维修及改善有关的优先次序。
- 参与各级及所有有关责任范畴的计划督导委员会,并对其作出贡献,为注册服务的策略方向及决定作出贡献。
- 确保ES与学术单位紧密合作,以考虑他们在投资组合领域不断发展的需求。
- 评估及评估学生主导的计划,并与学生主导的计划保持联系,并在适当时提供支援,以便在与注册服务有关的范畴内发展及推行学生主导的计划。
- 助理注册主任亦负责领导与学生帐户的合作。
- 助理注册主任支持大学的策略计划和使命陈述,并确保档案内的单位符合大学的优先次序,以及学生生活和学习的愿景和目标
● Responsibilities: - Administers academic programs, ensuring that student records and government reporting are aligned with new and revised programs and courses.
- Establishes protocols and guidelines for systems support and coding standards to ensure the compatibility of the student record system and student data for admissions, registration, student records and transcripts, as well as for government reporting.
- Oversees student registration and ensures that McGill aligns with best practices in regard to registration.
- Leads the team that produces eCalendars, which includes all program information, University regulations, and resources.
- Oversees the implementation of new IT systems and enhancements in support of government reporting, registration, degree evaluation, and the production of eCalendars.
- Along with the Registrar and Executive Director of Enrolment Services and IT directors, the Assistant Registrar participates in the setting of strategic priorities for IT projects.
- Oversees the degree evaluation team. Maintains legacy system for former students and a new system as of 2018. These systems evaluate all students in their degree progress to ensure that they meet University program requirements to graduate.
- Is responsible for the team producing date modelling for upcoming calendars of University key dates, including all religious holidays.
- Oversees the government reporting team as well as the annual government audit. Sits on the Gestion des données sur l’effectif universitaire (GDEU) Technical Sub-Committee.
- Chairs the Sub-Committee for Student Records (SCSR), which has faculty representatives from across the University as well as key central offices. Agenda items relate to student records, registration, fees, advising, and systems maintenance and enhancements. The Sub-Committee is also responsible for proposing priorities related to systems maintenance and enhancement.
- Participates in and contributes to project steering committees at various levels and in all relevant areas of responsibility to contribute to strategic direction and decisions for Enrolment Services (ES).
- Ensures that ES collaborates closely with academic units to take into account their evolving needs in portfolio areas.
- Assesses and evaluates student-led initiatives, liaises with IT, and provides support, when appropriate, for the purpose of development and possible implementation of student-led projects in areas that relate to Enrolment Services.
- The Assistant Registrar is also responsible for leading collaboration with Student Accounts.
- The Assistant Registrar supports the strategic plans and mission statements of the University and ensures that the units in the portfolio align with University priorities and the vision and goals of Student Life and Learning.
● 职位要求: - 本科学位
- 5年相关工作经验或硕士学位
- 两年相关工作经验
- 具有教育背景或类似行业领导和管理经验的个人。
- 良好的英语和法语听说读写能力。
- 需要有高级预算和财务经验。
● Requirements: - Undergraduate degree
- Five (5) years' related experience OR Master's degree
- Two (2) years' related experience
- Proven ability to work in a fast-paced environment and to effectively manage multiple projects within tightly prescribed timetables.
- Superior speaking and writing skills in both English and French.