● 招聘公司:RBC
● 公司简介:加拿大皇家银行(Royal Bank of Canada)成立于1864年,是加拿大市值最高、资产最大的民营银行,也是北美领先的多元化金融服务公司之一。在全球,加拿大皇家银行拥有约七万名员工,在30多个国家设立有分支机构,为1400多万客户提供各类金融服务。
● 招聘职位:机构投资组合经理助理 ● 职位性质:全职 ● 职位薪酬:$50,000+
● 工作内容: - 协助创建内容,组织生产,审核和分发客户报告(月度、季度和按需)
- 与客户关系管理部门合作,获取和维护关键的业务开发活动、授权扩展、关键的客户信息更新
- 研究、创建和维护演示材料(图表和幻灯片)
- 根据需要支助体制项目和执行工作
- 与法律、机构投资组合经理和其他组织团队合作,构建和维护IMAs、SIPPs和ip
● Responsibilities: - Assist in creating content, organizing production, reviewing and distributing client reporting (monthly, quarterly and on request)
- Work with our CRM to capture and maintain key business development activities, mandate extensions, critical client info updates
- Research, create and maintain presentation materials (charts and slides)
- Support institutional projects and implementation efforts as required
- Work with legal, Institutional Portfolio Managers and other organizational teams to construct and maintain IMAs, SIPPs, and IPS and onboarding of new clients
● 职位要求: - 具有团队合作精神,能够与其他各级团队成员有效地合作,同时保持独立工作的能力,并能在截止日期前自我激励
- 对金融市场有一定的了解和兴趣
- 熟练使用Microsoft Office办公软件,特别是Excel、Word和PowerPoint
- 鉴于工作性质,将需要有一个灵活的工作时间表,包括在季度末加班
- 良好的英语和法语书面和口头沟通能力
- 具有优先级和多任务处理能力
- 热情追求卓越的工作质量,愿意付出额外的努力以确保准确性和对细节的关注
● Requirements: - Team-player, able to work effectively with other team members at all levels, while also maintaining the ability to work independently and be self-motivated to meet deadlines
- Some understanding of and interest in financial markets
- Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office applications, particularly Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
- Given nature of job, will be required to have a flexible work schedule including overtime at end of quarter
- Strong written and verbal communication skills in both English and French
- Ability to prioritize and multi-task
- Passion for excellence in quality of work, willing to go the extra mile to ensure accuracy and attention to detail