● 招聘公司: 康考迪亚大学(Concordia University)点击申请
● 招聘职位: 约翰·莫尔森商学院教学技术中心实验室和研究数据集协调员(CENTRE FOR INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY, JOHN MOLSON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS COORDINATOR, LAB AND RESEARCH DATASET) ● 工作内容: - Manage the installation and maintenance of computer images.
- Supervise the lab staff: process their payroll, assign weekly schedules, seminar presentations, software, database and/or administrative duties.
- Coordinate daily operations of JMSB labs that include handling of incident and restoring disrupted services.
- Coordinate periodic data and software updates.
- Monitor the security of computers and the network; recommend solutions when needed.
- Manage administrative aspects of all JMSB databases and software packages, including quotations, creation of WebReqs, approval and processing of invoices, and any communications with vendors.
- Train faculty and students on the use of specialized business applications.
- Streamline databases in JMSB and ensure no inter- or intra-departmental redundancy.
- Liaise with the library on database acquisitions and management.
● 工作要求: - 计算机科学或相关专业本科学历,有2 - 4年在Windows和Mac平台支持终端用户的相关工作经验。
- 业务数据集和工具的知识。:彭博资讯、Capital IQ等)。
- 系统管理软件知识(即SCCM)
- 能够在压力下工作并解决技术问题。
- 基本的英语听说读写能力(三级);懂法语者优先。
- 良好的Word和Excel知识(中级),能够创建和格式化文档和电子表格。
- 学习和适应新软件的能力。
- 能够独立工作,并能融入团队
- 良好的解决问题的能力。
- 良好的人际关系和组织能力
- 良好的客户服务意识和技能。