● 招聘公司: 麦吉尔大学(McGill University)点击申请● 招聘职位: 学生事务协调员( Student Affairs Coordinator) ● 工作内容: - Receives and provides detailed information and explanations to students. Participates in the organization of admissions and registration. Prepares, examines and verifies admissions and registration session files. Ensures follow-up. Completes and approves forms concerning course or program changes, interdepartmental or inter-university registration, and residency and internship programs.
- Assists academic advisors in relation to matters such as equivalencies, recognition of courses from other institutions, transfer of credits and probationary status. Prepares and verifies files. Coordinates and schedules student interviews.
- Informs students in relation to their files. Resolves problems. Ensures the application of academic regulations and deadlines. According to the needs of the unit, prepares residency rotation and other student activity schedules, contacting the necessary officials to coordinate and verify placement.
- Liaises with students, teaching staff, departments, faculties, services, high schools, CEGEPS, training centers, and university and governmental authorities. Provides explanations related to academic regulations, student records, programs and calendars.
- Organizes specific operations with regard to the start of the semester, loan applications, course and residency evaluation, and exam scheduling and invigilation. Prepares timetables and schedules room bookings for unit. Prepares, schedules and books exams for unit.
- Obtains and compiles grades. Completes and verifies lists of examination results. Selects and adapts the calculation formula according to the grading system given by the professor. Coordinates submission of grades and requests for grade revisions as well as deferred exams. Verifies and corrects transcripts. Identifies and verifies files of graduating students. Prepares for and attends evaluation meetings and follows up as required.
- Maintains filing system and prepares material for archiving. Performs data entry and updating of student files. Resolves related problems.
- Uses word and data processing software. Updates standard computerized applications.
● 工作要求: 4年相关工作经验; 有能力倾听和帮助包括学生和学术人员在内的部门利益相关者; 表现出主动性、组织能力和按优先级排序的能力; 能够使用适当的拼写、语法和标点对文档进行校对和编辑; 能够使用web publishing软件,Outlook, Word, Excel和PowerPoint; 有本科学生事务工作经验者优先; 对本科生资助流程的了解; 掌握英法双语。