● 招聘公司:微软公司(Microsoft) 点击申请
● 招聘职位:研究实习生(Research Intern) ● 工作内容: - Learning to communicate by observing human-human dialogues.
- Providing sound evaluation metrics for dialogue systems.
- Solving language tasks grounded in other modalities such as vision to create machines with a deeper understanding of language.
- Advancing the state-of-the-art of dialogue modelling with neural models and reinforcement learning.
- As a Research Intern at Microsoft Research Montréal, you will contribute to our research projects. You will work closely with one or several researchers and advance the state-of-the-art in machine learning. You will publish your research at international conferences.
● 工作要求: - 正在攻读对话系统、深度学习、强化学习、计算机视觉、机器学习、自然语言处理或相关技术领域的硕士或博士学位;
- 能够发表论文证明你在研究领域的经验;
- 在自然语言理解、自然语言生成或对话系统方面有经验和兴趣;
- 2年以上的Python经验;
- 至少2年以上使用以下工具的经验:CNTK, Theano, Tensorflow, Pytorch等。