● 招聘公司: 麦吉尔大学(McGill University)点击申请
● 招聘职位: 研究管理员(Research Administrator) ● 工作内容: - Provides ongoing advice and guidance to Faculty researchers, keeps up-to-date on Faculty’s and University’s research and awards activities and programs, confirms priorities and timeframes, and prioritizes work accordingly;
- Implements methods to gather research and awards administration data for the pre-award phase of proposals and resulting contracts and grants.
- Collects information and selects the most appropriate procedures for performing research and awards administration activities. Ensures that activities are performed in accordance with Faculty, University and governing bodies' policies and procedures.
- Acts as resource person to researchers and/or departmental units regarding Faculty and University policies and procedures, funding and regulatory agencies rules and regulations.
- Communicate information to researchers on new funding programs and awards, revisions to existing programs and awards, alternative funding opportunities, submission procedures, deadlines, updates on regulatory changes, etc.
- Develops and maintains research website. Monitors, publishes and updates pages as they relate to funding opportunities.
- Collects, tracks, and reports on research statistics. Produces and maintains statistical reports on research trends, research targets, various ranking survey, and other research reports as required by the Faculty.
- Compiles data to create databases for building and maintaining funding and publications. Processes requests for data from the University and various institutes and agencies (i.e. Office of Sponsored Research).
- Identifies and highlights problems/discrepancies with award and grant applications, resolves problems and informs appropriate parties of corrective action where required.
● 工作要求: - 3年相关工作经验;
- 大学学位是一项资产,有研究环境管理经验者优先,有普通简历、研究和资助机构(如CIHR和/或)工作经验者优先;
- 出色的人际沟通、口头和书面沟通能力;
- 能够有效地执行管理计划并在紧迫的期限内完成任务;
- 了解省和联邦的主要融资机会;
- 能够使用文字处理、电子表格、数据库和演示软件在PC环境中工作;
- 具有Excel的高级知识,掌握英法双语。