● 招聘公司:Yellow Pages 点击申请
● 招聘职位:数据报告分析员(Data reporting analyst) ● 工作内容: - Responsible to extract and transform data into compelling information for management discussion. Analyze, enhance and manage key performance indicators (KPIs) through effective dashboards on a weekly/monthly/quarterly basis. Provide adhoc analytics support for Marketing & Product teams within RedFlagDeals.com. Deliver crucial insight and recommendations that impact real-time results;
- Ownership of creation and distribution of current and future reporting needs for various business owners across all RedFlagDeals.com products;
- Prepare monthly financial reconciliation reports and budget reports. Provide operational support for Marketing team in fulfilling promotional campaigns, budget management, and online content management. Contribute to community growth within RedFlagDeals.com.
● 工作要求: - 管理事务、市场营销、财务信息的高等院校毕业;
- 在财务分析中体验投资
- 分析应用程序时,请参考Excel、SQL、Access、谷歌分析、Anametrix或其他分析软件;
- 体验平台分析和一个donne的转口,以及收集和分析数据的精确程度;
- 强调改进过程和组织的能力;
- 在人际关系和沟通方面有丰富的经验。