● 招聘公司: 加拿大皇家银行(RBC)点击申请● 招聘职位: 业务代理(Operations Agent) ● 工作类型: 全职 ● 工作内容: - Daily balancing of current accounts and follow-up of outstanding entries to ensure they are cleared within the required timeframe;
- Act as custodian for items held in joint custody;
- G/L outstanding entry follow-up to ensure entries are cleared within required timeframe;
- Daily Unit balancing;
- Act as support to the department "One Centre";
- Pre-verification of G/L entries.
● 工作要求: - 掌握流利的英语和法语;
- 有至少2年的G/L工作经验;
- 优秀的组织能力以及在时间框架下工作的能力;
- 优秀的分析和解决问题的能力;
- 能够熟练使用MS Word和Excel等软件。