● 招聘公司: 加拿大TD银行 点击申请● 招聘职位: 采访日-投资代表(Interview day - Investment Representative) ● 工作内容: TD Direct Investing provides financial services to self-directed investors who manage their own investments and personal finances. Clients can access TD Direct Investing services through a variety of channels, including the Internet, telephone and in person at any of our branches across Canada. TD Direct Investing gives clients access to the information, tools and support that empower them to invest for themselves with confidence. ● 工作要求: - 对金融市场充满热情,提供优质的客户服务,喜欢与客户交流;
- 能够保持专注,关注细节,遵守既定的操作程序;
- 有呼叫中心和交易经验;
- 需要良好的英语和法语。