● 招聘职位:律师(Lawyer)点击申请 申请地址:https://simenligne.ville.montreal.qc.ca/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisVacDispPG&OAHP=IRC_EXT_SITE_VISITOR_APPL&OASF=IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY&akRegionApplicationId=821&transactionid=2146724418&retainAM=N&addBreadCrumb=RP&p_svid=137301&p_spid=4209034 ● 截止时间:2017年6月16 ● 薪资待遇:53 582 $~123 239 $ ● 工作地点:1550, rue Metcalfe, Montréal, H3A 1X6. ● 工作内容:
1.The position of General Inspector was created in February 2014 by the Municipal Council of the City of Montreal. Its mandate is to oversee the contracting processes and the execution of these by the Ville de Montréal or a related legal entity, in order to prevent breaches of integrity and to promote compliance with legal provisions And the City's requirements for the award and performance of contracts. 2.It shall also provide training to members of boards as well as public servants and employees to recognize and prevent breaches of integrity and the rules applicable in connection with the awarding of contracts by the City or Implementation. 3.The activities of the Office of the Inspector General relate to the City of Montreal, but also to related organizations (such as the SHDM, the SPJD, the STM, etc.) and any other legal person having a contractual relationship with the City of Montreal. Montreal (NPOs, suppliers and subcontractors).
● 工作要求:
1.Hold a Bachelor's Degree in Law and have completed the professional training of the Bar School. 2.A minimum of two (2) years of relevant experience in a field related to employment, including writing reports and writing briefs. 3.Be a member in good standing of the Barreau du Québec (attach proof). 扫描下方二维码获取更多招聘信息 招聘资讯联系小编发布