这事让我想起牛妞在幼儿园里,当时还在两岁多的Group的时候,夏天经常换老师,她十分不喜欢,但阿娘对此事也爱莫能助啊。有一天早上,她进了房间之后,Baby group的老师(牛妞也算是她看着长大的)跟我招招手,让我过去,小声跟我说“I noticed she is playing a trick recently. She’s been telling some educators not to come again because you don’t like them”, 我惊住了,正要解释,这位女士接着说”I know you well, I believe you are not that kind of person who likes to judge people behind. I told other people about this and they all understood so no worries, but just watch out a bit on her…”