● 招聘公司:TELUS Communications
● 公司简介:TELUS是加拿大领先的全国性电信公司,提供广泛的通信产品和服务,包括数据、互联网协议(IP)、语音、娱乐和视频。● 招聘职位:销售代表● 职位类型:兼职 ● 职位薪酬:$30,000+ ● 工作内容: - 作为TELUS团队的一员,您将负责与每一位客户建立联系来提供优质的客户体验;
- 我们会提供创新空间,您以一种动态和灵活的方式为客户创造解决方案。
● Responsibilities: - As a TELUS team member, you will be responsible for delivering an incredible customer experience by making genuine connections with every customer.
- We’ll give you the space to innovate and create solutions for them, in a dynamic and flexible way.
● 职位要求: - 卓越的客户服务技能,与客户建立关系;
- 具有感染力的积极态度、领导能力和适应日常变化的能力;
- 能够通过电话和短信联系现有的和潜在的客户;
- 使用客户关系管理软件记录和追踪服务进展。
● Requirements: - Exceptional customer service skills to creating meaningful relationships with our customers
- Contagious positive attitude, leadership and an ability to adapt to everyday changes
- Contact existing and prospective customers by both telephone and text message
- Use customer relationship management software to record and track progress