● 招聘公司:Lockheed Martin
● 公司简介:洛克希德·马丁公司,全称洛克希德·马丁空间系统公司(Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company,简称LMT),前身是洛克西德公司(Lockheed Corporation),创建于1912年,是一家美国航空航天制造商。目前洛克希德·马丁公司的总部位于马里兰州蒙哥马利县的贝塞斯达。2015年7月19日,路透社报道洛克希德·马丁收购联合技术旗下的西科斯基飞机公司(Sikorsky Aircraft),价格超过80亿美元。 2016年12月,瑞典斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所(SIPRI)发布了2015年度全球军工百强企业排行榜,洛克希德·马丁公司仍然保持世界第一武器生产商的地位。 2018年7月19日,《财富》世界500强排行榜发布,洛克希德-马丁位列200位。
● 招聘职位:合同谈判者 ● 职位性质:全职 ● 职位薪酬:$70,000+
● 工作内容: - 根据需要编译和分析合同数据并维护历史信息
- 为客户准备信函和演示文稿,以沟通合同状态/问题/行动
- 审查和评估客户对合同的建议或修改的要求,包括风险评估和减少风险的替代方法,包括替代合同语言;评估和协调建议;调查并协调涉及成本、规格、进度等重大合同变更;执行合同收尾程序
- 与相关的职能组织和客户合作,确保符合合同义务,保持对问题领域的认识,并实施必要的纠正措施
- 支持过程文档和审核。
● Responsibilities: - Compile and analyze contractual data and maintain historical information, as required
- Prepare letters and presentations for customers to communicate contractual status/issues/actions
- Review and evaluate customer requests for proposal or revisions to contracts, which includes risk assessments and alternative approaches to mitigate risks including alternative contractual language; evaluate and coordinate proposals; investigate and reconcile significant contract changes involving cost, specifications, schedules, etc.; and perform contract close-out procedures
- Work in conjunction with associated functional organizations and customers to ensure conformance with contractual obligations, to remain cognizant of problem areas and to implement the required corrective actions
- Support process documentation and audits.
● 职位要求: - 本科或同等学历/综合教育背景
- 1 - 3年合同谈判经验
- 熟练使用Office办公软件,尤其是Outlook、PowerPoint和Excel
- 优秀的书面和口头沟通能力
- 渴望在持续学习的环境中学习和工作
- 有商业合同经验/政府背景(联邦收购法规(FAR))。
- 飞机/发动机维修经验
- 组织能力/团队工作经验
- SAP和/或组件控制(量子控制)软件优先
● Requirements: - Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience/combined education
- One to Three years’ experience with contract negotiations
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office, especially Outlook, PowerPoint and Excel
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Desire to learn and work in a continuous learning environment
- Commercial contract experience/government desired (Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).
- Aircraft/engine maintenance experience
- Organizational skills/experience working in teams
- SAP and/or Component Control (Quantum Control) software is a plus