● 招聘公司:Pharmaprix
● 公司简介:Pharmaprix是一家全方位零售药店的许可方。已经发展成为一个全国性的网络,在加拿大拥有超过1250家合法的和附属的药物商店。其建立了一个代表卓越服务、价值和信任的品牌。
● 招聘职位:助理药师 ● 职位性质:兼职 ● 职位薪酬:$20,000+
● 工作内容: - 向所有接近药房的顾客表示感谢,以礼貌和专业的方式及时提供帮助
- 在联邦/省级、监管/法律要求、省级道德规范、执业标准和政策范围内执业,表现出专业操守,并采取行动维护高水平的专业执业标准
- 确保所有隐私要求得到满足,包括客户保密和同意管理
- 为处方、柜台/柜台后产品和所有健康相关问题提供咨询,包括但不限于适应症、禁忌证、不良反应、药物相互作用和剂量
- 在你的能力范围内,运用专业的服务,在最大范围内进行实践
- 与护理圈内的其他卫生保健专业人员沟通,提供最佳的客户服务
- 根据法规、业务标准和政策,即客户记录、麻醉药品和受控药品记录,维护所有必要的记录
- 促进健康和教育顾客,并在适当的时候,通过社区活动、诊所等与店内和店外的顾客互动。
- 为客户的需求和其他医疗服务提供者的要求提供及时和积极的解决方案
- 适当地推广药品宣传活动、项目和服务
● Responsibilities: - Acknowledge all customers approaching the Pharmacy, offer assistance promptly and in a courteous and professional manner
- Practice within federal/provincial, regulatory/legal requirements, provincial Code of Ethics, Standards of • Practice, and Policies, demonstrating professional integrity and acting to uphold a high level of professional standard of practice
- Ensure all privacy requirements are met, including customer confidentiality and consent management
- Provide counselling on prescriptions, over the counter/behind the counter products and all health related issues, including but not limited to indications, contra-indications, adverse effects, drug interactions and dosage
- Practice to full extent of expanded scope with Professional Services, within your capability
- Be clearly identifiable to the public
- Ensure accuracy and appropriateness of all prescriptions dispensed
- Communicate with other health care professionals within the circle of care to provide optimal customer care
- Maintain all records required in accordance with legislation, standards of practice, and policy, i.e. customer records, narcotic and controlled drug records
- Promote health and wellness and educate customers and as appropriate, engage with customers both in and outside the store through community events, clinics etc.
- Provide timely and positive resolutions to customer needs and requests from other healthcare providers
- Promote Pharmacy campaigns, programs and services as appropriate
● 职位要求: - 具备推动和建立业务、以身作则和支持企业项目的能力
- 根据不断变化的计划快速确定活动的优先级
- 较强的口头和书面沟通能力
- 优秀的客户关系技巧和强烈的专业意识
- 较强的解决问题的能力,包括制定和执行行动计划的经验
- 有较强的个人计算机技能和制药系统知识
● Requirements: - Independent thinking and decision making - makes decisions when dealing with issues or problems
- Plan, coordinate and delegate assignments and provide coaching to Pharmacy colleagues
- Proven ability to drive and build the business, lead by example and support enterprise programs
- Prioritize activities quickly in response to changing initiatives
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
- Commitment to providing exceptional customer service
- Superior customer relations skills and a strong sense of professionalism
- Strong problem-solving skills including experience formulating and executing action plans
- Strong personal computing skills and knowledge of Pharmacy systems a definite asset
- Ensure all Health & Safety procedures are followed to provide a healthy and safe work environment for all colleagues
- Complete mandatory training and voluntary continuing education workshops, as needed