● 招聘公司:加拿大皇家银行(RBC)点击申请● 招聘职位:全球投资银行分析师(Analyst, Global Investment Banking) ● 工作内容: - Contribute towards the analysis, placement and completion of public and private debt and equity financings, mergers and acquisitions and other financial advisory assignments;
- Provide underwriting of equity and debt capital, and strategic advisory services for leading corporations and institutions throughout North America and around the world.
● 工作要求: - 在一流大学完成金融、会计或定量领域的本科或研究生学位课程;
- 完成CFA或注册会计师资格或其他专业资格;
- 1-3年的投资银行、股权研究、并购交易或上市公司的公司发展经验;
- 较强的财务建模/评估和分析能力;
- 出色的书面和口头沟通能力,能够简明扼要地沟通概念和想法,并维护其有效的领导素质;
- 掌握法语和英语两种语言。