● 招聘公司:沃尔玛加拿大(Walmart Canada)点击申请● 招聘职位:迎宾员(People Greeter) ● 工作内容: - Welcoming each Customer to Wal-Mart by smiling, greeting in a friendly tone with a "Hello" or "Welcome to Wal-Mart";
- Attaching return tickets to all merchandise entering the store;
- Identifying large outbound purchases such as TV’s and verifying the customer’s receipt (item and date);
- Checking and verifying associate bags and purchases upon exit;
- When the EAS system is activated they assist in identifying the root cause and logging the incident;
- Observing and reporting any suspicious behaviors to management and Loss Prevention;
- Reacting to code ADAM pages as per the guidelines;
- Bringing any system failures to the management teams attention for service;
- Wiping down wet carts coming in from the rain.
● 工作要求: - 所列的要求是所要求的知识、技能或能力的代表;
- 可以采取合理的措施使残疾人能够履行基本的职责;
- 使用整数、普通分数和小数进行加减乘除的能力;
- 计算速率、比率和百分比的能力;
- 能够确定一个单元或组中单个事物的数量。基本的阅读与作技巧;
- 能够理解书面或印刷品的含义,并通过文字或符号来记录信息;
- 员工必须完成所有的沃尔玛基本和高级培训模块和课程。