● 招聘公司: 加拿大邮政(Canada Post)点击申请
● 招聘职位: 邮局助理(Post Office Assistant) ● 工作内容: - Sell postal products and service to the business community and public;
- Sort, distribute and process mail into appropriate classifications;
- Provide customers with information and forms;
- Address delivery and service difficulties to resolve problems thoroughly and quickly.
● 工作要求: - 要求必须掌握一定的法语;
- 拥有高中或省级同等学历以及一定的企业管理经验;
- 有在零售或服务环境中与公众互动的培训等;
- 了解一般的邮政会计制度;
- 身体健康,拥有工作的灵活性。