● 招聘公司: 罗杰斯通信公司 (Rogers Communications)点击申请
● 招聘职位: 信用咨询师(Credit Collections Consultant) ● 工作类型: 全职 ● 工作内容: 1. Passionately connect and build rapport with a variety of customers and their changing needs;; 2. Diagnose problems, propose solutions and negotiate payment arrangements in accordance with Rogers' policies; 3. Complete accurate transactions, update accounts, collect overdue balances, provide confirmations and follow up as necessary in accordance with the law, all with a sense of urgency and an eye for detail; 4. Be accountable; own and solve issues from beginning to end; Incorporate feedback on a regular basis, to improve your personal and professional development. ● 工作要求: 1. 高中学历; 2. 英语法语流利; 3. 熟练使用电脑; 4. 良好的沟通能力,专业的电话沟通能力。 ● 福利待遇:
1. 基本工资+业绩; 2. 综合福利计划; 3. 养老金+RRSP; 4. 购买公司的产品可享受最大限度折扣。 扫描下方二维码获取更多招聘信息