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发布时间: 2018-5-17 08:37


周一下午,401高速上发生了非常危险的一幕:高峰期时段,就在各位司机都跟着前面的车流向前蠕动时,突然,有位女士从一辆行驶的车中翻滚而下… 周二,目击者将拍摄到的惊人一幕发布在社交媒体上,让大家看得一阵胆 ...


评分 没有人来自: 加拿大 发表于 2018-5-17 21:44:56
So what is this all about? A kidnapping? A human trafficking escape? A argument that went bad? The OPP is investigating and not saying much.

Sgt. Kerry Schmidt said solving the mystery of why this happened is something they are actively working on.

The motorist said he tried to talk to the young woman. “I asked her if she was OK, but she didn’t understand English and just kept walking.”

He believes she speaks Cantonese.

“The driver eventually sped away, leaving both the woman and stunned eyewitness behind,” the witness said. “She ended up walking about 100 metres from the scene, but I stuck around till the cops got her.”
评分 北美小巴黎来自: 北美地区 发表于 2018-5-17 20:29:15
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