
标题: 麦吉尔大学招聘兼职校园印刷管理员,有相关经验者优先,待遇上佳。 [打印本页]

作者: 蒙特利尔求职招聘    时间: 2019-10-3 08:10
标题: 麦吉尔大学招聘兼职校园印刷管理员,有相关经验者优先,待遇上佳。

●  招聘公司:麦吉尔大学
●  公司简介:麦吉尔大学始建于1821年,坐落于加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔,是一所蜚声全球的世界顶尖学府,Universitas 21的成员大学之一,百年来在国际上声誉崇高,研究水平享誉世界。麦吉尔大学长期以来一直位列加拿大大学排行榜第一名。有“北方哈佛”的美誉。
●  招聘职位:校园印刷管理员(MT0773 LOG1D GR02)
●  职位类型:兼职
●  职位薪酬:$42,600 - $53,300 a year
●  申请链接https://www.mcgill.ca/careers/campus-printing-administrator-mt0773-log1d-gr02
●  工作内容:
●  Responsibilities:
  • Handling request from customers concerning moving, adding and changing uPrint machines (MACD process)
  • Act as a liaison with Network and Communication Services regarding the MACD process, including assigning tasks in Service Now in relation with the MACD process
  • Act as a liaison with Xerox concerning the MACD process and participate in the weekly conference calls with Xerox
  • Asses and Resolve Uprint fleet problems. When appropriate inform the Manager, Campus Printing and formulate recommendations.
  • Offer potential solutions to assist in the panning, development and changes of new services or the improvement of services
  • Participate in training of users to new business processes and equipment under the supervision of the Manager
  • Manages uPrint card log and issues uPrint cards and uPrint Prepaid Guest cards
  • Assign MFD Group Codes to key operators for uPrint paper purchase in departmental areas
  • Update and maintain the uPrint Configuration Management Database (CMDB) in Service Now
●  职位要求:
  • 三年相关工作经验
  • 具备中央打印/多功能设备(MFD)解决方案和相关管理流程的基本知识。
  • 具有Excel和其他Microsoft套件的操作能力。
  • 了解提供中央打印/MFD解决方案所需的各种IT组件(网络、服务器、软件、设备、卡片等)。
  • 能够用法语和英语(书面和口头)与客户良好沟通。
  • 有能力处理投诉,主动采取行动,及时、礼貌、主动地与客户沟通。
●  Requirements:
  • Three (3) years’ related experience
  • Basic knowledge of central printing/Multi-functional device (MFD) solutions and management processes associated with them.
  • Strong capabilities in Excel and other Microsoft suites.
  • Good understanding of various IT components (network, servers, software, devices, cards, etc.) required to provide a central printing/MFD solution.
  • Ability to interact well with clients in French and English (written and verbally).
  • Ability to manage complaints, initiate actions and communicate in timely, polite and action-oriented manner with clients.





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