
标题: 风靡全球的奢饰品和珠宝品牌Tiffany & Co.蒙城招人啦!我们需要兼职专业销售人员,快来为自己的工作履历增光添彩吧! [打印本页]

作者: 蒙特利尔求职招聘    时间: 2019-7-23 08:34
标题: 风靡全球的奢饰品和珠宝品牌Tiffany & Co.蒙城招人啦!我们需要兼职专业销售人员,快来为自己的工作履历增光添彩吧!

●  招聘公司Tiffany & Co.
●  公司简介:1837年,查尔斯·刘易斯·蒂凡尼在纽约创立了他的公司,他的店铺因其独特的宝石很快被誉为珠宝宫殿。从那时起,蒂芙尼就成为优雅、创新设计、精湛工艺和卓越创意的代名词。如今,蒂芙尼及其子公司拥有超过1.3万名员工,设计、制造和销售珠宝、手表和奢侈品配件,其中包括5000多名熟练的工匠,他们在蒂芙尼的车间里切割钻石和制作珠宝,实现了蒂芙尼对卓越品质的承诺。

●  招聘职位:专业销售人员
●  职位性质:兼职
●  职位薪酬$60,800+
●  申请链接https://www.tiffanycareers.com/job/9823394/sales-professional-part-time-montreal-ogilvy-montreal-ca/

●  工作内容
  • 完成或超过销售计划:持续完成或超过月度和季度个人销售计划。加强和发展与现有客户的关系。销售给蒂芙尼的新客户,适当使用电子贺卡和其他客户参与工具。全面支持和配合所有重要的业务计划和新产品的发布。获取有意义的客户数据,以便与客户建立联系、建立关系并个性化未来的客户开发机会。执行积极的战略拓展,目标是定位和实现未来的销售机会,并超越客户的期望。通过培养新的关系和在更高层次上迁移现有客户来管理当前TR客户群。通过战略客户的出席率和销售业绩,支持公司、地区和当地的重要活动——以及产品发布。
  • 公司标准和指示:确保所有销售活动符合公司品牌标准和指示,包括产品展示、视觉陈列和适当的库存不足组织。确保所有销售活动支持关键的业务策略和当前的计划,以推动业务的成功。维护店内的安全标准,确保顾客、同事的安全,并通过妥善保管和处理商品来保护我们的资产。
  • 个人领导:作为一个团队和同事的合作伙伴,确保一致的特殊客户体验,并为一个积极的商店环境做出贡献。保持对所有行业新闻和公司最新情况的了解,并完成所提供的培训课程,以确保符合公司政策的变化,更好地为客户服务。以TCO品牌形象大使的身份,通过得体的着装和仪容仪表,展现优雅的气质。
●  Responsibilities
  • Achieve and/or Exceed Sales Plan: Consistently achieve or exceed monthly and quarterly individual sales plan. Strengthen and develop relationships with existing customers. Sell to NEW Tiffany customers, utilizing E-cards and other customer engagement tools as appropriate. Fully support and align with all key business initiatives and new product launches. Capture meaningful customer data for the purposes of connecting with the client, building relationships, and personalizing future client development opportunities. Execute proactive strategic outreach with the goal of positioning and realizing future sales opportunities and exceeding customer expectations. Manage current TR Customer base by cultivating new relationships and migrating existing customers at higher levels. Support key Company, Regional, and Local events – and product launches – with strategic client attendance and sales results.
  • Corporate Standards and Directives: Ensure all sales activity complies with corporate brand standards and directives, including Product Presentation, Visual Merchandising and proper understock organization. Ensure all sales activity supports key business strategies and current initiatives in order to drive the success of the business. Maintain security standards within the store to ensure safety of customers, colleagues and to protect our assets through appropriate care and handling of merchandise.
  • Personal Leadership: Work as a team and partner with colleagues to ensure a consistent exceptional customer experience and contribute to a positive store environment. Remain current on all industry news and company updates and complete provided training courses to ensure compliance with company policy changes to better serve customers. Exhibit passion and enthusiasm as a TCO Brand Ambassador by modeling elegance through appropriate wardrobe and presence.
●  职位要求
  • 有零售或奢侈品零售经验或相关客户相关经验(如酒店等)。
  • 良好的销售业绩。
  • 愿意从事非传统的工作时间,包括晚上、周末和节假日。
  • 较强的沟通能力,口头和书面的,客户服务技能和能力,优先处理多个任务是必要的。
  • 能够与不同的客户群合作。
  • 能够在快节奏,不断变化的环境中工作。
  • 熟练使用POS系统和Microsoft Outlook/e-mail。
  • 必须获得在美国或该职位所在国家工作的授权。
  • 学院/大学学位。
  • 宝石学硕士学位或美国宝石学会(GIA)课程工作经验优先。
  • 语言技能优先。
●  Requirements
  • Previous retail or luxury retail experience or relevant customer related experience (i.e. hospitality, etc).
  • Proven track record in achieving sales results.
  • Willingness to work non-traditional business hours including nights, weekends and holidays.
  • Strong communication skills, both verbal and written, customer service skills and the ability to prioritize while handling multiple tasks is required.
  • Ability to work with a diverse client base.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, changing environment.
  • Proficiency in Point of Sales (POS) systems and Microsoft Outlook/e-mail.
  • Must have authorization to work in the United States or in the country where the position is based.
  • A college/university degree.
  • Graduate Gemologist degree or previous Gemological Institute of America (GIA) course work is preferred.
  • Language skills preferred.





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