标题: 全球最大的托管银行State Street,招聘运营助理,年薪4w+!会计托管经验优先 [打印本页]
作者: 蒙特利尔求职招聘 时间: 2019-6-6 10:17
标题: 全球最大的托管银行State Street,招聘运营助理,年薪4w+!会计托管经验优先
● 招聘公司:美国道富银行(State Street)
● 公司简介:美国道富银行(State Street Corp) 总部位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿,在全球金融资产服务业处于领先地位。成立于1792年,现为全球最大的托管银行和最大的资产管理公司之一,托管的资产高达21.8万亿美元,管理着超过1.8万亿美元的资产。
● 招聘职位:公司操作运营助理(Corporate Actions, Operations Associate)
● 职位性质:全职
● 职位薪酬:$40,000+
● 工作内容:
- 根据操作程序,负责识别、翻译和更新客户选举到道富银行全球企业行动系统的自愿企业行动。
- 跟进客户及/或他们的投资经理所进行的任何客户选举,若该等选举未能得到适当的验证,以及在选举未能如期举行的情况下进行的情况。
- 协调客户选择与中层保管记录的关系,并在活动截止日期前提交给市场。
- 研究并解决异常、协调、不正确的交易和问题。
- 及时准确地接收和解决客户的咨询,并在必要时与客户进行有效沟通。
- 根据需要将未解决的问题升级到管理层。
- 维护现有操作程序和流程的知识。
- 完成分配的其他任务。
● Responsibilities:
- Responsible for identifying, translating and updating client elections to voluntary corporate actions to State Street’s Global Corporate Action system in accordance with operating procedures.
- Follow up with clients and/or their investment manager on any client elections that cannot be properly validated and in situations where an election is missing.
- Reconcile client election to middle office custodian records & submit to the market by the event deadlines.
- Research and resolve exceptions, reconciliations, incorrect transactions and issues.
- Receive and resolve inquiries in a timely and accurate manner and communicates effectively with clients when necessary.
- Escalate unresolved issues to management as required.
- Maintain knowledge of current operational procedures and processes.
- Perform other duties as assigned.
● 职位要求:
- 学士学位或同等学历。
- 至少一年的金融服务经验,最好有会计和托管方面的经验,了解金融市场活动和交易。
- 较强的客户服务、沟通、组织和解决问题的能力。
- 必须能够分清轻重缓急,并能在压力下很好地工作。
- 优秀的分析和解决问题的能力。
- 优秀的口头和书面沟通技巧。
● Requirements:
- Bachelor’s degrees or equivalent.
- At least one year of financial services experience, preferably with accounting and custody exposure, and knowledge of financial market activities and transactions.
- Strong customer service, communication, organizational and problem solving skills.
- Must be able to prioritize activities and work well under pressure.
- Excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
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