
标题: 加拿大TD银行蒙城招聘中心助理,无学历要求,待遇丰厚,快来申请吧! [打印本页]

作者: 蒙特利尔求职招聘    时间: 2018-7-18 09:30
标题: 加拿大TD银行蒙城招聘中心助理,无学历要求,待遇丰厚,快来申请吧!

●  招聘公司:加拿大TD银行 点击申请
●  申请链接:https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGWebHost/jobdetails.aspx?jobid=2210549&partnerid=25404&siteid=5602&codes=TD103
●  招聘职位:中心助理Centre of Excellence Assistant)
●  工作内容:You are interested in being part of a dynamic team and you wish to expand your knowledge of TD Insurance. Reporting to the Centre of Excellence team manager, this department by receiving, distributing, filing, classifying and compiling different reports, mail/renewal daily and weekly. This role also requires the assistant to process certain types of taks as renewals.
●  工作要求:
  • 扎实的数据库软件知识(Excel, Word);
  • 良好的法语和英语理解能力;
  • 有良好的口头和书面沟通能力;
  • 有组织、时间管理和优先排序的能力;
  • 良好的人际关系和客户服务意识;
  • 有能力适应国内外客户的需求;
  • 能够迅速适应变化、优先级和需求。





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