
标题: Globglogabgalab [打印本页]

作者: Globglogabgalab    时间: 2018-4-12 23:48
标题: Globglogabgalab
I'm the Globglogabgalab. I love books, and this basement is a true treasure trove.

I am the Globglogabgalab; The schwabboldabblewabble gabbleflebablabablab.

I'm full of schwibbleglibblekind; I am the yeast of thoughts and mind.

Schwabbledabbleglibbeglabbe schwibbleschwabglab; Dibbledabble schwibbleschwabble glibbleglabschwab.

Schwabbledabbleglibbeglabbe schwibbleschwabdab; Dibbledabble schwibbleschwabble glibbleschwabglab.

Ooh hahaha mmmh splendid! Simply delicious, ooomm hahaa haha!

I am the Globglogabgalab; The schwabboldabblewabble gabbleflebablabablab.

I'm full of schwibbleglibblekind; I am the yeast of thoughts and mind.

Schwabbledabbleglibbeglabbe schwibbleschwabglab; Dibbledabble schwibbleschwabble glibbleglabschwab.

Schwabbledabbleglibbeglabbe schwibbleschwabdab; Dibbledabble schwibbleschwabble glibbleschwabglab.


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