步行二分钟到康大全新高级公寓2016 年建成,位于Downtown Bishop大街,朝东南,视野开阔,有8件全新电器 (冰箱,洗衣机,烘干机,炉头,洗碗机,微波炉,抽油烟机和中央冷热空调)和高档橱柜,楼顶室内外按摩SPA及健身房。周边设施齐全,交通及生活便利,全新三个半,三楼。 带全部高档家具,楼下有locker(储物间),不包电。对面就是康大教室。
oliverwei66@gmail.com Brand new Condo beside Concordia University delivered on 2016. Sunny side and with a nice view. There is 8 electronics (fridge, washer, dryer, stove, microwave, dishwasher, Chinese hood and independent central air-conditioning) and High-grade cupboard up to the ceiling. There is SPA and gym. Convenient traffic and easy life, new condo 3 1/2 and on the third floor. There is locker included. It is faced the classroom of Concordia University. The price includes hot water and condo fee. Availability to live on 8/1/2017, but try to let you in as early as possible.