情景1:下班后就我一个人在公交车站等车,同事Pascal开车过来冲我微笑道:How much?
我(Michelle)想:一愣,啥意思?是问我公交车票还是把我当站街女?我该如何答复?作者: .ABKYH 时间: 2012-12-23 19:24
情景3:take easy man, is it the way you cover the team member ? I am pretty sure when I do the job... (explain the reason)。 anyway I am sorry for the mistake, I will make it up.作者: jotheis 时间: 2012-12-23 19:24
(, 下载次数: 18)
作者: .luyajun 时间: 2012-12-23 19:24
好帖子。作者: .soway 时间: 2012-12-23 19:26
how's going on?作者: .macha 时间: 2012-12-23 19:26
情景1: get out of the car, Let me tell you something.
(正常人应该知趣开走,如果真下车): I beg your pardon, could you explain what you means ? (一定push对方把意思说明白,既让他知道没趣,也感到窘迫)
情景3:如果Pascale是Michel的上司,可以肯定她认为自己没有得到Michel应有的尊重,Michel需要反省自己为何成为上司的眼中钉,如果不是,则告诉她 Why? we always did in that way, so we've made the same mistake for so long? I think I need to ask the manager how to do it.
情景四:绝对不是小事情,告诉她,Hey, Pascale, I don't know what's going on. I think I was set up. This is absolutely horrible. I don't feel safe in this office now. I think we should call the security to check the video and figure out what happened.作者: .冰镇可乐 时间: 2012-12-23 19:30
我想: 妈的,做老鸨比较合适。我用私人手机在中午吃饭时间用中文打个电话,你都要来监督一下?何况我不经常打且时间打的也很短。难道这么冷的人要跑到外面去打?作者: .candy 时间: 2012-12-23 19:35
I don't know. I think maybe it is kind of a joke. I hope so.
Just tell him,
If this is a joke, I don't like it at all. I hope it won't happen again. Thank you.作者: ..wswsq1968 时间: 2012-12-23 19:36
情景4: Pascale 带到office来炫耀的一件礼物在吃完中饭后找不到了,虽然此礼物不太值钱。最后也不知谁发现,同事A在我的垃圾箱里找到了此礼物。然后Pascale在office里就非常委屈地叫起来: Michelle,I know, you don't like me,但你也不能这样对我啊,这礼物对我有着非常重要的意义...你需要向我们解释清楚并向我道歉。
我:一头雾水。虽然很不喜欢她,但我也不会这么傻把她的东西扔到我的垃圾箱里。感觉极度委屈觉得一定被“陷害”了,但又觉得解释不清,很想煽她一个耳光,但又想继续在这个公司做下去。作者: .Kliang 时间: 2012-12-23 19:37
1. Thank you, but I don't need a taxi now.
2. Sorry, I'll do it. Don't worry about it.作者: .mmdbcn 时间: 2012-12-23 19:37
情景3:Pascale在同事都在的时候,对我很生硬地说:Michel,why you made mistakes again? You can ask me if you are not sure these documents. We are a team, we should work as a team ... ...
我想:我根本没错嘛,我们一直都这么在做的。而且这些资料在做之前也给她看过。怎么又说我在犯错?每次说话都像强奸了她似的。不知情地其他同事以为我真犯错了。作者: .wangwengwu 时间: 2012-12-23 19:38
how much, as much as your mom