家住伦敦有名的切尔西区—是整个英国地价最高的地区(平均房价超过220万英镑),也是伦敦最安全的区域之一。 Chelsea in London. Brimming with luxury, opulence and wealth, and more millionaire mansions per square mile than most places in Britain.
但对于Fergus来说,吃喝玩乐的东西也必须要讲究时髦精致。 Of course, all this luxury comes at a cost,but with supportive parents like this, who needs a job?
抽不出空的时候,Anna的大女儿就会像“小妈妈”一样,尽可能的多照顾其他妹妹。 Anna家庭总收入一个月1000英镑(约8730元人民币),而且钱都用来照顾孩子了,一点儿都没对自己奢侈过。
开销包括学校制服、交通旅费、食品采购。经济困难的时候,Anna还需要向父母借钱,比如付不起房租。 Anna:Whereas people normally summer holidays they're jetting off, we have a holiday in the garden.
此时矛盾凸显出来了:有人为了生活努力工作,而富二代却能轻易得到一切。 Counting his pennies isn't something Fergus ever has to be bothered by. But for Anna, keeping a tight budget is vital when you have so little to live on.
这是他目前为止最大的挑战,不依靠任何帮助,自力更生地完成任务。回到家后,他还动手给Anna一家做了一顿美味也受到好评的午餐。 Fergus:The one thing i really noticed was that I was looking at the price of what it was before I was doing anything else. That is new to me. I mean I don't have all the money in the world but I don't go into shops looking at the price of things. I'm thinking about what I want to eat.
时间过得很快,Fergus马上又要回到自己富人圈子了,离开前Anna请他吃顿好吃的,虽然餐厅廉价,但也是她可以负担的最好的了。 Anna很直接敞开心扉表明“I like you”,他没有自己想象中的自大势力。 Fergus:I've certainly learnt you can't judge a book by its cover, this is proof that social class does not matter.