1. 一个司机坐在车里,眼前的视野中最大的危险是?
A. 一个画的很大的的太阳光(正确)
B. 后视镜挂的大物件(错误)
2. 一个没有红绿灯的十字路口,摩托车从西往东,你开车从南往北(你在摩托车的右手边),同时到路口,然后嘞?
A. 你减速往前开,然后直接走,或者根据情况让摩托车走(错误)
B. 直接让摩托车走(正确)
3. 你前面一辆扫雪车,车后闪黄色的灯,灯的形状是酱紫的 《====》,你该怎么办?
A. 超过他(错误)
B. 加速绕过他
C. 避免超车(正确)
4. 你已经很累了,要继续开车,该怎么办?
A. 每两小时停一次(正确)
B. 每五个小时换个人开(错误)
C. 每四小时停一次,下来活动一下
You are driving on a secondary road. A strong snowstorm has reduced visibility to the point that you can see only the taillights of the vehicle ahead of you. In this situation, what is your best course of action?
Switch on your low beams. When visibility is poor because of snow, low beams are recommended.
You are driving at night on a poorly-lit road. You meet an oncoming vehicle. In this situation, what is your best course of action?Low beams are less blinding than high beams.You are driving at night on a poorly-lit road. There are no other vehicles. In this situation, what is your best course of action?Since high beams always produce high-intensity illumination, they should be switched on only when there is no risk of blinding other drivers.
Your vehicle has been blocked in a snowstorm for more than 3 hours. You are tired. In this situation, what is your best course of action?
Move. If you are stopped for a long time, keep moving to avoid falling asleep. Sleep and intense cold can lead to death.
你想退出车道。你必须先做什么?Before backing up, you must make sure there are no obstacles around.Which of the following are safe choices for returning home after an evening out during which you drank or did drugs?1. Take a taxi.2. Use a drive-home service.3. Be driven home by an unintoxicated driver.4. Drive slowly and safely.Avoid driving if you drink alcohol, do drugs or take medication that adversely affects your faculties. Use other solutions: take a taxi, travel with an unintoxicated friend, use a drive-home service, stay put, use public transit.
You are driving in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Suddenly, you hear the voices of children approaching. What is your best course of action?
Slow down and be prepared to stop. When there are elements indicating the presence of children, be extra careful; their reactions can be unpredictable. Keep your eyes open!
You are about to cross an intersection. A schoolchild is waiting on the sidewalk. Before crossing the intersection you must presume that:
the schoolchild has not seen you.Young children are often quite small and cannot see beyond any parked vehicles.
It is illegal to back up:Under the Highway Safety Code, backing up on a highway or any of its access or exit ramps is prohibited.Dangerous driving is:A Criminal Code conviction for the offences mentioned leads to a criminal record that will follow you and adversely affect you for a long time. In addition, a criminal conviction means that the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec automatically cancels your driver's licence for a minimum of one year.Is a motorcyclist entitled to the entire lane?Like an automobile, a motorcycle is entitled to the entire lane for the sake of safety.You notice that the motorcycle ahead of you is driving on the left side of the lane. How best should this situation be interpreted?Motorcyclists generally drive on the left side of the lane to be better seen; they do not necessarily intend to turn left.To what categories of licences does the zero alcohol rule apply?1. Learner's licence (for persons who have never had a Class 1 to 6C driver's licence).2. Class 1 to 6C driver's licence.3. Probationary licence.4. Class 6D licence to drive a moped, in the case of a person who has held the licence for less than 5 years.The zero alcohol rule means that drivers cannot drive if there is any alcohol at all in their body. In general, this rule applies to drivers in the learning period (learner's and probationary licences), but not to those who hold a driver's licence.You are parking your vehicle. In what situations must you engage the parking brake?1. On a downhill slope.2. On an uphill slope.3. On level ground.4. In your driveway.5. In a public parking lot.The parking brake is used to keep the vehicle immobilized. Remember to use it at all times!Seat belts:In a collision, seat belts spread the force of impact over the stronger parts of the body such as the hips and shoulders.What is the mark of an eco-driver?For a short trip, consider walking or bicycling.You are driving on wet pavement in the winter. You have to slow down to turn at the next intersection. In this situation, what is your best course of action?In the winter, beware of wet pavement; it could be black ice. It's better to brake more lightly than usual.To avoid being blinded by the headlights of oncoming vehicles at night, you should:The closer the oncoming vehicle, the greater the blinding effect. You should look towards the right side of the road.启用和区分形状的视觉功能是什么?Visual acuity is the ability to distinguish the details of objects from a certain distance.
When can you travel in the left lane on a highway?On a highway, the far-left lane is used to pass other vehicles, to avoid obstacles or to enter an off-ramp.No person may drive a road vehicle:No person may drive a road vehicle in which an animal or an object is so placed as to obstruct the driver's view or to interfere with the proper handling of the vehicle. To transport your animal, use an appropriate cage or restraint.Is driving a vehicle equipped with a radar warning device allowed?Driving a vehicle equipped with a radar warning device is prohibited.Which of the following substances can impair driving ability? 1. An alcoholic beverage mixed with an energy drink.2. An espresso coffee.3. Cannabis.4. Some medication for insomnia, allergies, pain, nausea or anxiety.134. Alcohol, drugs and some medication impair your intellectual faculties, thereby increasing the risk of being involved in a collision or charged with impaired driving under the Criminal Code.A pedestrian crosswalk that is not at an intersection is indicated by:A pedestrian crosswalk is indicated by yellow pavement markings and a sign. Such a crossing, which is often not at an intersection, gives the right of way to pedestrians.An underinflated tire:Insufficient tire pressure causes tires to overheat and blow.A mechanical problem suddenly causes you to drive slowly. In this situation, what is your best course of action?Emergency lights are used for safety purposes. They alert other road users to the fact that a vehicle has broken down or is travelling slower than normal.What is the minimum speed limit on a highway?On highways, so as not to hinder traffic, 60 km/h is the minimum speed limit.
2024-4-7 23:47