热搜: 房产 留学 医疗
grandbaby. 请问在COSTCO给眼睛验光多少钱? 新人帖
最后发表: 乔莹-理发师@ 2019-9-5 14:13 1805 8 2019-5-4
SUNJIGANG 哪里能领养到刺猬
最后发表: SUNJIGANG@ 2019-9-5 13:31 1196 0 2019-9-5
NarcissaLiu 有没有非周末想去驾校上课的小伙伴?
最后发表: SwitchON@ 2019-9-5 09:23 1162 2 2019-8-22
Sakina 在唐人街可以买紧急避孕药和短效的吗
可以不开处方 不被医生问的那种吗 想家中常备 语言不行 不好意思http://miniapp.mengchenghui.com/public/emotion/face_020.png
最后发表: laviemontreal@ 2019-9-5 08:25 1851 2 2019-9-2
三日月宗近 入境加拿大的时候一条香烟需要交多少税?
最后发表: laviemontreal@ 2019-9-5 08:21 1281 1 2019-9-5
roydecor 牆面油漆交界縫隙收口扎邊/How to Cut in Paint Edges with a Brush attach_img
在油漆牆面工作中,比較有技術含量的要屬邊角交接縫的收口扎邊了,初次自己動手刷油漆最經常出現的問題就事油漆不小心刷到ceiling上或門框上,這一期視頻和大家分享這麼避免這種問題出現。 https://youtu.be/Rn5k36y4Rr0
最后发表: roydecor@ 2019-9-4 23:36 1010 0 2019-9-4
学渣尽量不挂科 求找一个比较合适游泳池 新人帖
最后发表: 学渣尽量不挂科@ 2019-9-4 19:54 978 0 2019-9-4
WonderEve 最新一条龙省心快速移民项目讲座9月8号展开啦,免费参加咨询还有大奖拿!
On September 8th, from 2pm to 4pm, in the National Library of Quebec's immigration seminar Caregiver (career immigration project) and Express entry (fast track) two projects, finally officially announced! The better news is that this time we set the awards link! Not only the grand prize is sent out, but the probability of participating in the prize is as high as 50% (see the last of the lucky draw details)! For more details, or to participate in this event, please enjoy your private letter or add me to WeChat! WeChat: Jintaica On June 15, the Canadian government officially announced – the Home Child Care Provider and HomeSupport Worker pilot program was officially launched! The two pilot projects were opened on June 18, 2019 to help caregivers live better in Canada. The project will replace Caring for Children and Caring for People with High Medical Needs for the entire Canadian region. The number of pilot places is up to 2,750 main applicants per year, for a total of 5,500, plus additional immediate family members. Project Benefits ▪ Location Flexible: custom place to settle (including Toronto, Vancouver) ▪ fast application process: the initial application for 12 months, and after submission of materials to meet the requirements, only six months to complete the final application ▪ low background requirements : You can have nursing experience, no working years. ▪ Support family members to accompany: Open the work permit and study for the immediate family members of the nursing staff, so that the applicant can bring the whole family to live in Canada, and also exempt from work and study. problem. ▪ autonomy and flexibility to change employers can: obtain a work permit for a specific employer, rather than professional, care workers can quickly change employers if necessary, without other concerns; ▪ high success rate: simply open a new project requirements, the trial relaxed and stable project application claims ▪ Education: College degree and above. Language: English reaches CLB5 level (equivalent to 5 points for IELTS listening, 4 points for reading, 5 points for speaking, 5 points for writing) ▪ Job offer: obtaining a job position provided by a Canadian employer and signing a standard Employment contract ▪ Work background: relevant work experience (child, elderly care experience, hospital care worker) application step first step to submit the main applicant pr and work permit application, you can also submit the family's work permit or study application (expected trial The time is 12 months); the second step after the main applicant has completed working in Canada for two years, the Immigration Bureau will approve the application for permanent residence and issue the PR permanent residence card to the whole family (the estimated waiting time is 6 months). Jintai immigration tailor-made immigration plan for you! Admission to Canada for local nursing related majors, the entire professional study takes only 8 months! You can quickly immigrate after accumulating for 2 years in three years after graduation! You can accumulate work experience during the course and submit your application directly after graduation. This is a great solution for accompanying moms and friends who are interested in learning nursing! Basic steps: Entry to school, work outside the school during work, +summer work+co-op (accumulate relevant work experience) ⊙ Submit federal and work permit applications immediately After the completion of the signing, after accumulating two years of work experience, waiting for the trial (estimated 6 months), and getting the PR permanent residence card , we combine all the factors, such as learning, for the needs of all applicants. Ability, convenience, whether you need to consider your child to go to school, etc., provide a lot of school choices. Location We offer a choice of schools throughout the Toronto area and surrounding cities, including the most popular Yonge Finch, RichmondHill, Scarborough, Markham, Barrie, Niagara Fall and more. Public Schools / Private Schools There are a number of public and private schools for you to choose from: Public Schools: Seneca College, Centennial College, Georgian College, Humber College, Niagara Fall College and many other famous institutions. Advantages: Strong professionalism, one-year work permit after graduation; Disadvantages: high language requirements (IELTS 6 points), high tuition fees, inflexible semester (starting time up to three times a year). If the language is less than 6 points for IELTS, you need to take one more language class to ensure that students can understand the course content and graduate smoothly when entering the professional class. The language class can determine the length of the language class according to the IELTS score. For example: IELTS 5.5. You need to read 3 months of language; IELTS 5 points, you need to read 4 months of language; IELTS 4.5 points, you need to read 5 months of language, after the language test passes, enter the profession. Private schools: including Computek College, Biztech College, Dominion College and other professional institutions. Advantages: Low language requirements (for example, Computek College, IELTS 5 points), easy to enter and graduate, low tuition fees, flexible semester, can start classes every month; disadvantages: no work visa after graduation. If the language is less than IELTS 5 or no IELTS (for example, Computek College), you can take 6 weeks of language training, and the language class tuition is about $1500. Applicants can choose to read a public school or private school by considering their own English proficiency, professional learning ability, and convenience of life. Tuition public schools: generally about seventeen thousand Canadian dollars fluctuate private schools: usually about ten thousand plus or minus * Applicants only need to provide high school grades, if any nursing experience can be a flexible bonus items next round of activities advertised in On September 8th (Montreal) and September 14th (Toronto), our company will hold further Chinese-based lectures in Montreal and Toronto. Welcome everyone to scan the code registration! Montreal Lecture Information: Content: Caregiver (Important Immigration Program) and Express entry (fast track) Time: September 8, 2:00-4:00 pm Location: Room M450 475, boul. De Maisonneuve Est, Montréal, QC H2L 5C4 Grand Prize Benefits! In this lecture, Jintai immigrants came with full of sincerity and a big wave of attractive prizes! As long as you come to the lecture, there is a 50% chance of winning! Plus 10% discount on any service on the spot! Equivalent to 100% of the award configuration! Awards: First Prize: Monster Headphones (1) Second Prize: $25 Cash Gift Card (3) Third Prize: $10 Starbucks Gift Card (Several) If you want to participate, please enjoy your private letter, or add me to WeChat! Micro signal: Jintaica
最后发表: WonderEve@ 2019-9-4 14:53 1136 0 2019-9-4
tonyzhou 蒙村这边婚礼大约要随多少钱?
最后发表: 大忽悠的冰阔落@ 2019-9-4 10:13 1385 1 2019-8-23
づ`夏沫的微笑﹏ 明天考笔试
难吗?考过的来分享下经验http://miniapp.mengchenghui.com/public/emotion/face_070.png http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20190903/1567557245687142_323.jpg
最后发表: づ`夏沫的微笑﹏@ 2019-9-4 10:10 1129 3 2019-9-3
益成 怎么才能买到NBA比赛专用球?袋鼠皮的那种, 好像是不公开发售的 新人帖
大家好[咖啡],有谁知道,怎么才能买到NBA专用球吗?袋鼠皮的那种, 好像是不公开发售的。谢谢
最后发表: 益成@ 2019-9-3 20:11 892 0 2019-9-3
心晴 有人有纽黑文或者纽约的同学或者朋友的微信群吗?
最后发表: 心晴@ 2019-9-3 09:05 1145 0 2019-9-3
戈壁小王 西岛附近水管工
家里厨房水槽堵了,请问有谁知道Saint Anne de bellevue这边靠谱水管工,谢谢!
最后发表: 戈壁小王@ 2019-9-2 12:39 990 0 2019-9-2
莫瞳00 求推荐靠谱的西人纹身店
最后发表: 迷城仁@ 2019-9-2 11:43 1463 4 2018-6-23
骨头头 有能来修女岛的法语私教吗
最后发表: 骨头头@ 2019-9-1 21:07 2483 4 2019-8-29
rpyxj 9月15可带小件到国内 有需要联系 新人帖
9月15日晚上飞机从蒙城回北京,可以北京物件发国内快件到付到你指定地址,禁止奢侈品和禁品,只带随手件。有需要提前联系。 微信rpy333联系
最后发表: rpyxj@ 2019-9-1 20:41 779 0 2019-9-1
Fsylvie 急求8月31日能去一趟宜家的司机!!
最后发表: Fsylvie@ 2019-8-30 22:18 1381 1 2019-8-30
daxiadaxia 衣服霉斑|衣服霉斑多难洗掉,厨房中的“废水”泡一泡,霉点斑点全洗净
衣服霉斑|衣服霉斑多难洗掉,厨房中的“废水”泡一泡,霉点斑点全洗净 【生活小妙招】为您带来 哈喽大家好!我是生活小妙招,欢迎大家关注生活小妙招的youtube频道,在这里我每天都会和大家分享一个实用的生活小妙招。 生活是一门学问,如果你能学着“偷懒”,也许会变得更有乐趣。生活小妙招的youtube频道给你带来无穷多的生活小妙招,总有你不知道的。 看生活小妙招,让你的生活变得更有趣! 欢迎订阅: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk-zMSs0C1CdIIIaIzC2B1w?sub_confirmation=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMJLF3fKQQA
最后发表: daxiadaxia@ 2019-8-30 15:21 905 1 2019-8-24
daxiadaxia 桃子|桃子烂掉先别扔,真的太值钱了,好多人不懂怎么回事
桃子|桃子烂掉先别扔,真的太值钱了,好多人不懂怎么回事 【生活小妙招】为您带来 哈喽大家好!我是生活小妙招,欢迎大家关注生活小妙招的youtube频道,在这里我每天都会和大家分享一个实用的生活小妙招。 生活是一门学问,如果你能学着“偷懒”,也许会变得更有乐趣。生活小妙招的youtube频道给你带来无穷多的生活小妙招,总有你不知道的。 看生活小妙招,让你的生活变得更有趣! 欢迎订阅: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk-zMSs0C1CdIIIaIzC2B1w?sub_confirmation=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca2yomV98h0
最后发表: daxiadaxia@ 2019-8-30 15:20 906 0 2019-8-30
Laura_ 多伦多合租,找室友限女生 attach_img
最后发表: Laura_@ 2019-8-30 00:28 1039 1 2019-8-29
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